Ducktales/Darkwing Duck OC

779 4 18

Name-Leela Diamond Tauras



Personality-Kindhearted, smart, honest, charming, flirty, generous, loyal, hardworking, responsible, adventurous, sweet

Likes-Singing, acting, writing, drawing, flying, helping others, hanging out with the children, spending time with friends, swinging on the trapeze

Dislikes-People who say I can't do anything because I'm a girl, Mark Beaks and the fearsome five's constant flirting

Talents-Singing, acting, aerialist, tightrope, dancing, fighting, charm, making clothes

Job-Nanny for Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby, Co-pilot for Launchad.

Voice-Linda Larkin


Bio-I was born Leela Diamond Tauras. My family owns the largest traveling circus in the world. Tauras and Diamond Traveling Circus. It's been in my family since the very beginning. I always made friends with the animals and the performers. They each taught me their acts. I can perfect them very well. But what I truly love to do is sing. When I turned 20, I decided to start my own life. So, I said goodbye to my family and friends, and went to Duckberg. I applied for a job as a co pilot and a nanny position, apparently for the same person. And it turned out to be for Scrooge McDuck. So, I moved in with the McDucks and became the children's nanny and Scrooge's co pilot. I just love them very much. The children love me, Scrooge McDuck admires my work with them, but the best thing is that I met Launchpad McQuack.

Then we both started working with Darkwing Duck. Launchpad and I are huge fans of him. Well, he's a bigger fan than me, but still. Anyway, I have helped along side the two of them, but most of the time, I'm looking after Goselyn. She considers me like her big sister. When I do get to help Darkwing and Launchpad, I have so much fun helping St. Canard and fighting crime. They say my aerialist skills are very beneficial. There are times when I get along with Quackerjack. He makes me laugh with his villainous puns. I guess we are like frenemies. Sadly, when we fight a lot of the other villains, they tend to get a bit flirty with me. They always give me these cheesy pickup lines. Trust me, my heart will always belong to Launchpad. And nothing will change that.

 And nothing will change that

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