Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Dear Lord, I ask you to bless these young boys in their journey through life. Please ensure they remain safe from the dangers of the world, strong when tested with temptation, and resilient when faced with adversity. Please remove the evil from within the hearts of anyone who wishes harm upon them. Thank you for blessing our lives and we hope in your grace you will continue to provide us with many more days to come. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen." 



Later that night when Gladys went to bed, the boys continued to stay up and talk in their room. 

"Do you think they're setting a trap for us?" Ben asked. "I bet they're waiting inside for us and the second we step through that door, they'll blow our heads off." 

"Who knows?" 

"That is of course if we entered through the front door." 

"What are you saying?" Kyle asked. 

"I'm saying that I need to get in the house, more specifically the secret room." 

"Let it go, bro. We don't want to take any unnecessary risks with these guys." 

"I need my manuscript and my wallet. Without them, I've got nothing." 

Kyle considered what Ben was saying for a moment. He realized they could not stay in Gladys's house forever. Ben had lots of money, which they could use to make a life somewhere else, but without a means to access it, it would not be of any help to them. 

"How do you suggest we get in?" Kyle asked. 

"I'm so glad you asked. Don't worry, I have a plan." 

Kyle followed Ben downstairs and into the kitchen. While trying to make as little noise as possible, Ben opened up several drawers until he found what he needed. Among the things he took were a multi-purpose tool, a flashlight, and a knife.  

"What are you doing?" Kyle whispered. "Put those back." 

"I will, I just need to borrow them for a bit," Ben said. 

"What's the knife for?" 


"You're really going to bring a knife to a gun fight?" 

"Well, unless Gladys keeps a Glock next to the can opener, I think this is my best bet." 

Ben walked over to the back door and made sure it was unlocked before leading the way back upstairs. The next stop, oddly enough, was the bathroom. Just like in their house, the bathroom had a large window that could open wide enough to climb through. Getting from the bathroom window to the top of the house was a little scary, but definitely doable. Just below the bathroom window was a little ledge that conveniently wrapped around the side of the house. 

Ben lifted up the window and stuck his head outside. 

"It's just like ours," Ben confirmed.  

"So what are you waiting for?" Kyle asked. 

"I don't know, I was kind of hoping you'd want to go first." 

"No thanks, this was your idea so you should lead the way." 

"Fine," Ben said as he proceeded to climb out the window. With his bum resting on the window sill, his feet dangled two stories off the ground. He was still a little afraid of heights, but once again summoned the courage to momentarily set aside those fears. Once he found his footing, he completely exited the window. The crisp night air made his muscles tense up, but it was nothing too debilitating. He inched across the ledge slowly, making sure not to look down. Kyle watched him to see how it was done. When Ben was a good distance ahead, Kyle reluctantly followed after him.  

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