Chapter Twenty-Four

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Kyle came home a little after midnight and discovered Ben was still up. In fact, Ben had been waiting for him.  

"Hey, man," Kyle said as he entered the house. 

"What's up?" Ben replied. "How was work?" 


"How long are you going to keep this up?" Ben asked. 

"Until I graduate... unless school suddenly becomes free." 

"What if I told you I have a way you could make a little money?"  

"Let me guess, your little book told you a way to rob a bank." 

"No... but close though. Fortunately for us, the bank has already been robbed. All we need to do is rob the robber." 

"Count me out." 

"Oh come on, you're always so sensible, why don't you live a little?" 

"Why am I so sensible? Did you hear what you just said? I'll take sensible over foolish any day." 

"I know exactly where the robber lives. All we need to do is go there with a couple of masks, give him a good scare, and take the money from him." 

"You know, sometimes your brain entertains the wildest ideas. You're better off writing stories about heroes rather than trying to become one yourself." 

"Don't worry, nobody will get hurt." 

"Oh really, and how do you know that? How does it all play out in your little life-guide?" 

"Well, actually, I don't know. It's not in the manuscript. In the story, I... never mind. Are you in or out?"  

"Sorry, dude, it's late and I just want to get some sleep. I suggest you do the same," Kyle said before trotting off upstairs. 

Ben sat alone at the table, contemplating what he should do. He was not adverse to dangerous or foolish things - he had stolen a car, robbed some apartments, and tricked a woman into going on a date with him. He figured robbing a robber could not be any worse than those things. After mulling it over, he reached a decision.  

While Kyle was in the shower, Ben went upstairs and grabbed a few items and tossed them in his backpack. After changing into some darker-coloured clothes, Ben went downstairs and left out the back door. 

The bus slowed to a stop and Ben got on. There were a few people on the bus, but none of them paid any attention to Ben as he sat inconspicuously at the front under the dim lighting. His backpack was on his lap. He unzipped it and took out a small container, which contained a few shots of alcohol. He opened the container and took a big swig to calm his nerves. It also served to give him courage for what he was about to do. After he choked back the cheap scotch, he wiped his mouth, and put the container back in his bag along with the other contents he had brought to assist him. 

When it was time, Ben signalled for the bus to stop. Ben stepped out and began walking down the sidewalk as he had done earlier in the day. The streets were quiet and bare, which allowed the perfect opportunity for Ben to get into position without being seen. 

He looked at his watch and saw it was nearly 1:00 a.m. As he approached the house, he noticed none of the lights were on. This either implied the robber was home and asleep, or was out. Ben looked up and down the street, took a deep breath, and contemplated turning back. The alcohol circulating in his bloodstream silenced any inhibitions he had. He proceeded as planned.  

Dressed in all black and under the guise of darkness, Ben crept around to the rear of the house. He slowly tiptoed up the back porch and placed his hand on the doorknob. It was unlikely to be left open, but it was at least worth a try. Just as he had suspected, it was locked. He contemplated breaking a window, but that would cause all sorts of problems. Not only would it awaken the robber or a neighbour, Ben would risk being lacerated by the shards of glass on the climb in. Besides he had no faith in his athletic abilities. What he did have faith in was his ingenuity.  

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