Akward? Nah

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Jimin covered his eyes, so he wouldn't make them feel uncomfortable. But while they were..AHEM..jimin noticed Jungkook with great biceps and really marked abs. He couldn't see taehyungs. Just his ass sticking up. He noticed when Tae was putting on his black gucci shirt. He had abs, just not that marked.

"It's ok. What do you need?" Jungkook said friendly. "Um, your mom wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready." Jimin was flushing nervously. Jungkook passed by jimin heading out the door, and ruffled his hair with a smile. Tahyung just smiled cutely, following behind Jungkook. Jimin was puzzled at how calm their reactions were.

As if nothing ever even happend, the two brothers eat their foods normally. Jimin couldn't stop thinking about what Jungkook had said.

"If you wanna fuck jimin, were all gonna fuck him."

He started to imagine the "hot, sticky" threesome they could have.
It wasn't correct.  He had Yoongi. They were still a thing. Jimin spaced out,  and his father knocked him back with a snap.  He looked up to find everyone staring at him.
"Hm? What happend, what I miss?" Jimin said looking at everyone.  Tae and kook quietly laughed; Jimin feeling embarrassed.

"well jimin,  is there anything you wanna say? " his father asked.
"a-about what..? "
        His father sighed.  "To your new step brothers and mother. "
"o-oh right, um-" he smiles. "I hope we can all get alone well. "

Tae looked at jimin smiling, thinking that was the cutest shit ever, while jungkook stares at his lips. Jimin seemed to noticed, and slightly blushed.

During dinner, the family just told jokes, and old funny, embarrassing stories.  The children went to the living room to chat, while the couple stayed at the table laughing. Tae and kook sat at the same couch, while Jimin sat at the other one.  Jungkook pat a spot next to him, signing Jimin to sit next to him. Jimins heart began to race.

"come sit here with us~" Jungkook said. Tae just kinda watched. As jimin heavily gulped and got up, he felt his knees become weak. Just as he sat down, Jungkook and Tae faced him. 
"So you like dancing don't you? " jungkook asked him, examining his facial expression. Jimin slowly nodded.
    "OOOO then we should dance~~!" Taehyung said excitedly clapping his hands. "yes, that would be fun~!" Jungkook added with a smirk.

Jimin smiled. "sure why not? " He was totally nervous, but didn't wanna show it, so he tried to make himself normal.
Taehyung got up happily getting the TV remote, and turning it on.  "what do you wanna dance to? " Jungkook asked.  "hmmm.. Hip Hop? " "Hip Hop, coming right up~" Tae said. "So are we going to go one by one? " Jimin asked.  "yeah sure. " kook said casually.  taehyung put some G-dragon songs on.  Jimin got up, fixing himself, and taking deep breaths as he got himself ready.  Since he was facing the TV, Tae and Kook noticed his big, fat, ass.  There eyes were desperate for it.

Jungkook could imagine himself fuxking his ass, squeezing it,  and spanking it.  Taehyung imagined eating the hell outta it. 
Jimin started dancing, doing break dances, splits,  backflips and other cool shit. The two brothers stood in shock,  almost drooling. 

Soon the song was over.  Jimin was out of breath and sat down,  while Tae passed him some water.  He takes it, chugging it down with water dripping down his sweaty, glowing skin.  "OK who's going next? " Jungkook asked.  "you should go kookieee~!" Taehyung cutely said.  "hmm why don't you?" "Cause I have the perrrfect song for you~" Jungkook smirked and rolled his eyes as he got up.  "fine-"

The Song "Boy with luv" by STB (cuz like Bts isn't a group) Jungkook smiles as he looks at Tae. All eyes were set on Jungkook, as he prepared himself.  His face turned serious, but it looked sexy. He danced beautifully to the song, as he made beautiful faces. Taehyung started cheering him on with whistles.  "WOOO YEAHH. " he yelled.  Mom and dad entered the room. "what's going on in here? " the boy's mom laughed.  "what's all the chaos?" jimins dad chuckled.
"just playing around" jimin said with a smile.  His dad smiled as well.  "I'm glad your getting along well everyone. " 

"hey, I have an idea! " Taehyung  blurted out.  "why don't we all play just dance?!" his little face was so excited,  no one could say no.  Everyone gathered in the living room,  moving the sofas to make more room.

Tonight was so much fun for the whole family,  that recently joined and now got along..
They play about 10 songs all together.  Once they were tired, they turned everything off and went to bed. 

The two brothers grabbed Jimin to their bedrooms(the three share a room now).
"let's sleep on the floor, so then we can all sleep together~" Taehyung said.  "sure, just not every night. Heh. It's not comfy. " Jungkook replied.  "sounds great to me. " jimin added. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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