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?Fire boy? POV

A burning building thats where I ended up. Was this hell? I was cornered by the fire. There are no windows to jump out of, the ceiling was collapsing. A board fell from the ceiling in flames. Startled, I fell on the floor, sucked in a breath and coughed. Looking around I couldn't help but panic. I rammed the wooden wall behind me repeatedly, it was my only way out. Because of my efforts, I could barely breathe, tears started forming either from the smoke or my stress, I don't know. Wheezing, I laid on my side waiting for another beam to fall and end it all. The flames that ate the floor grew closer and closer spelling out my impending doom. No matter how much I shrunk on myself the flames would still reach me...

I covered my face with my hands just barely noticing that I no longer had that small mole on my palm. I had no time to process that they weren't even remotely the same as what I thought they were. The flames leapt for my arm and ate away at my skin. It hurt to scream but I couldn't help it. My dry throat felt as if it was tearing apart. I hardly had enough rationality to think, all I could register was:
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. Ithurts. IthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurtsIthurts. Imdying.dyingalone. thatmeansthepainwillstopright?

The pain did stop, but not because I had burned to death. Not because I had succumbed to unconsciousness that was granted by the mercy of the pain. It stopped because at that moment my arm that had burned to ash regrew, unharmed. That's when I remembered why I was here. Who put me here. Why I'm drowning in this fire...


We were shackled to a wall. It was only me and this... woman. She wasn't my mother. This woman couldn't possibly be my mother...

A man came in almost everyday (perhaps it was every night). He would light a fire in a box. Then he'd smile sadistically as he used that fire to light a torch and burn that woman. He knew that everything would grow back as long as the heart remained. Everything else was free game.

"Who wouldn't enjoy a pretty face? Especially one screaming?"

But everytime he did it to her, she would scream for him to do it to me instead. She would yell it so many times, that eventually the man obliged, saying that she would have to do it herself.

"He's a freak like me too! Why are you only torturing me?!"

She did it. I swear I could see hearts in the man's eyes. Everytime I screamed the woman's stoic face would seem almost happy and that man's grin would grow wider and wider. We looked different, she had a few feathers here and there. I didn't have a single one on my body. But we were the same, the fire hurts us but then it heals us. There was hope for us if we ever got out but if we didn't we'd be doomed ro suffer forever.

I dont remember exactly when I said it but I had screamed the word why over an over again. The man instructed the woman to cover my mouth, muffling my screams. He walked closer and his nose almost touching mine I became face to face with his scarred eye.

"Because you creatures are monsters, you deserve this."

Something went wrong after that. Something died inside me. And all the fear I held in my heart converted to fury. I recalled everything from my birth till now.

I... didn't do anything... I couldn't have done anything wrong!

Instead of screaming as usual, the torch that was embedded in my arm triggered something other than that. That pain was irrelevant when the burning sensation flowed through out my body. It didn't hurt, in fact I felt better than I did in a long time. It felt good when I melted those shackles. It felt wonderful to see those terrible people with terrified faces.

That man, his voice was deeper than mine, and that woman, her voice sounded like screeching, but they screamed all the same. Their screams blended into this sick, twisted, dissonant harmony. They were the same, they tortured me with the very thing that gave me power. They are now the same... the same as me... screaming without any other sense of awareness. They. Burned. To. Ash.

Now I'm the same as them. Now I've done something wrong. Now... I finally understand why that man, called me a monster.

"Maybe it's for the best that I just burn here..."
It seems that I should want to die here. But when I closed my eyes, I noticed that in that darkness I wasn't alone. I was probably hallucinating from the stress. Somehow I figured that what I was seeing made sense. To the left was a burning world where someone stood watching everything, he didn't seem to enjoy it but continued to watch anyway. To the right...

To the right was a lush and beautiful hill. Someone stood on top of it. He looked like the man on the left but he was smiling. He was smiling at the people under the hill. Those people looked so happy together...

I was so distracted by the calming aura of the scene that I didn't notice a little girl had walked right next to me. I jumped the moment she said,"Were you even listening, baka?"

Laura, that weeb... I'm taller than her why can I meet her eyes without bending?

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