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Syobai Hashimoto x Sora

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Syobai Hashimoto x Sora

did u mean my fucking oTP-

at first I just shipped it a bit bc it's basically tradition for me to ship best boy or girl with the protag in dangit grandpa but now that I've seen some of their interactions I've fallen into hashisora hell and refuse to get up

Their relationship is far from perfect (I mean he fuckin stabs her, even if he meant it for my son Yuuki), but their dynamic is honestly gold bc Sora is the most stoic person ever and says the most random things, while Syobai is a bitch who stabs people for fun and only loves money (I mean this bitch straight up makes Sora give him crow coins to spend time with him in their free time events, or at least I think so lmao I dont know korean so I haven't played sdra2) 

Sora is the mom friend and Syobai is a smoker and I love it, their dynamic is amazing, especially when she teases him sksksf

At first I could only find like 2 pieces of fanart for this so I was rlly sad but I managed to find out what their ship name was in korean and I found a shit ton and,,,, i havent felt so fulfilled since I found all the suisei nanamura fanart on pixiv

this ship is great and my current otp for Sora, but like I've said many times before not much of the game is translated so I dont have that many options rn (I lowkey ship her with the magic man tho, and also the hostess waifu)

so yeah


sdra2 anyone--



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My Opinions on Danganronpa Ships~ o(≧▽≦)oHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin