Chapter 4 (Part 2 ~ ONC 3 of 5)

Start from the beginning

The pale figure was no longer gaunt. He looked healthy, even if he was pale.

Lustrous long black hair draped over the dusty, old clothes. Clothes that looked several centuries out of date. They were modern but there was something wrong about the items.

His head tilted as he looked at me. I began to edge along the far counter, searching for the knife that I'd set aside to use with dinner. It was only small, and it probably wouldn't do any good, but I needed something.

"Who are you?" I asked, hoping to distract him.

He offered nothing.

"How did you get in here?"

He smiled at me and picked up the marble box. Replacing the lid, he made a show of lifting it off.

"Magika," The figure offered.

He smiled a little harder, and in the corners of his mouth, I saw the fangs.

Vampires were real.

My hand was shaking as I held out the knife.

"Stay back," I demanded with a quivering voice.

He said something in a language that didn't seem familiar, gesturing to the box that was still in his hands.

"I don't understand you."

"Magika," He said again, the fanged smile widened.

"Yes, I got that much. Do you speak English?"

The vampire stared at me, I huffed and pulled the union jack magnet down from the fridge.


Again, I got nothing. Gesturing to my canine teeth, I asked him if he was going to bite me. The figure frowned and shook his head slightly. Maybe he didn't understand me.

With a huff, I leaned down to pick up the plate. The plastic dish had toppled and my dinner now coated the tiles.

When the vampire moved, I jumped with fright.

"Stay put."

The head tilted again like he was trying to figure me out. Pointing to my canine teeth, I frowned and shook my head.

"No biting Lucy."

A slight frown filled his features. Patting my flat hand against my sternum, I repeated my name.


Then I pointed to him.

"You are,"


His voice raised slightly as he copied my movement. His accent was thick and nothing like what I've ever heard.

"Alright. Constantino does not bite Lucy."

I gestured every single part of it.

"No bite."

"No... bite?" He repeated.

"That's right. You bite me, and I'll cut your bollocks off."

Constantino stared at me like he knew I was bluffing. Like he knew I wouldn't even dare pull his pants down to do said cutting. Still, when faced with a dangerous situation, we either fight or flee. I could not escape because he was standing in the gap between the counter and the cupboard, there was no escape. I had serious doubts as to my ability to fight, so I had to go with something in the middle. Be the alpha in this nightmare. I ruled, I did not back down. I was not afraid of him, and I would win if we fought.

Somehow, I had to find a way to communicate with him. Warily, I made my way closer, keeping close the counter. Pulling the notes to me, I picked up the one with the markings that Nelson had drawn.

"Is this you?"

He looked at the drawings and then to the sketch of the sarcophagus. Carefully Constantino put the pieces of paper down and pulled back his shirt.

A scar marked his milky white skin above his heart. Slowly his fingers ran over the wrinkled purple-tinged flesh.

Whispering something, Constantino mood seemed to lower. His fingers fell away from the shirt that was left open.

In a blindingly fast movement, Constantino reached out and grabbed my wrist and dragged my arm forward. With the knife still in my hand, I gasped as I lurched forward. Too close. Constantino stared at me as the blade impaled him just below where his ribs would be, that is if he had them. He certainly matched a human male in shape and looks, aside from those teeth. So, I guess that he probably did have everything that we did.

"Oh my God, are you crazy?"

He stepped back, and the bloody knife pulled free.

"I just stabbed you." I despaired. "I didn't mean it, why did you do that?"

The vampire said nothing. Instead, Constantino lifted the shirt to see the wound. Blood slid down the skin, marring it. The injury began to heal itself, and Constantino chuckled.

He said something to me, gesturing to the wound.

"Oh yeah sure, it's great for some."

I was freaking out, barely keeping it together yet Constantino thought it was the greatest thing ever. Lucky, immortal him.

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