Can't Save You | Bucky Barnes

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You'd gotten the messages that were left around your house, Bucky was in trouble. Bucky needed help.
So here you were, standing under an overpass-bridge while it rained all around you.
Bucky was standing in a darkened corner, his Winter Soldier suit on.
You hesitated, unsure what to do. What if it really was the Winter Soldier? But what if it really was Bucky?
"Bucky?" you whispered, trying to gauge what to do.
He stepped forward, and instantly you could tell that it wasn't Bucky. It was the Winter Soldier, and he was on a mission. You took a step back, then he stopped walking.
Someone popped up from behind him, pointing a gun at your chest.
You stepped back again, keeping your eyes trained on the two, knowing that you wouldn't be able to outrun them.
"Bucky, please," you begged, a tear rolling down your cheek.
Bucky was trapped. He didn't have control over his own body. He couldn't stop his legs from moving, he couldn't open his mouth to tell you to run.
But he was trying. Bucky was trying so hard to take control from the Winter Soldier. He watched as the tears started rolling down your face, tried to do something to stop this.
But you were the mission, and the Winter Soldier never fails.
There was a loud bang, and at that moment Bucky knew that there was absolutely no way he could save you. And that made it a billion times worse. He tried, and failed, so many times but it was never enough to break through 70+ years of brainwashing.

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