Tell Me A Story | Thor Odinson

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Everyone was at a grand banquet in the halls of Odin's palace. Thor, however, was not.
He was sitting on a bench in the garden, outlooking the rest of the homes of the Aesir. You sat next to your best friend, wanting to talk about something to distract you from the noise of the party.

"Tell me about Midgard," You turned your head to look at him, offering a curious half-smile when he turned his thoughtful gaze on you.

"It's not so different there. As I'm sure you realized, being banished to Midgard taught me valuable lessons." He laughed, leaning back on the bench. "The humans call it Earth. They live their lives much like we do, though only a few believe we truly exist."

"Tell me about what happened," You persisted, a smile growing on your face.

"Well, as you know from helping stop it, Loki sent the Destroyer after me. He almost killed me through it, but he didn't. He was angry. He said that he never wanted the throne, he only wanted to be my equal. I never realized that he felt that he wasn't."

Thor faltered before clearing his throat and continuing, "He tried to kill me again himself when I got back to Asgard. That was when I destroyed the Bifrost because he was going to use it to destroy Jotunheim. When the fight ended, I thought he was dead. Then, he was behind the whole thing with the Tesseract, though I'm pretty sure someone was controlling him with it, and I realized that he wasn't dead because he was standing right in front of me. Then the Dark Elves invaded Asgard, the Aether was in Jane, I watched Loki get stabbed. Again, I thought he died. Then flash-forward a few years and the Avengers helped me find Loki's scepter, and one of my Earth friends, Tony Stark, built a super death robot, so I stayed to defeat that. Then I went looking for the other Infinity Stones, which lead me to Surtur's place in Muspelheim, I ended up on Sakar, and once again, surprise! Loki is alive,"

You laughed. "Remember that time Loki turned into a snake?"

 "Yes, of course."

"That was hilarious!" 

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

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