You Should Talk About It | Peter Quill

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"I don't want to talk about it,"
"You should," Peter said quietly, tilting his head.
"Why?" You challenged, temper flaring. "I said I don't want to talk about it."
"Because talking about it might help."
You snorted in disbelief.
"You know what happened with my dad, you were there. You heard a bit of the story about my mother. She was from Terra, in a place called Missouri." Quill started slowly.
You took a breath. "What... what was she like?" 
"She was... the most amazing mother ever. She loved singing and dancing; knew every word to every song that played on the radio," He blinked rapidly, "When she died, I uh... I didn't know what to do. She had brain cancer. I think I was screaming, so they had to get me out of the room. I think they told me to stay in the waiting area. I didn't listen. I ran outside with the box wrapped in colorful paper that she'd given me before she... you know. Yondu picked me up when I was out there." He let out a shaky breath, thinking about how crazy his life was.
You considered his words, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. "I don't remember much. I remember that my mom was always angry." You laughed bitterly, "My dad always seemed scared. He was a good person. One day they both just disappeared. They just never came home, either of them. I was hungry and scared. I just ran. I ran so far... and then I stopped. But maybe I didn't. I stole to stay alive. Whatever food or water I could get, I took. I pickpocketed people, stole from their bags, little stuff like that. I had just a small bag to keep leftover food or stolen money in. Apparently, I was really good at thieving. One day, someone caught me stealing and called Nova, then I ended up in the Kiln. Where I met you, Drax, Rocket, Groot, and Gamora. You all let me tag along on your escape for reasons that are still a mystery to me, and here we are today." You studied Quill's face for a reaction.
He gave you a small smile. "We both had pretty crappy things happen to us, huh?"
"Yeah, we did."
"Quill, Y/n, you wanna get up here and help us fly the ship?" Rocket called from the front.
"We are refueling and almost ready for takeoff," Mantis informed the two of you.
"Well, thanks for sharing your story y/n. I hope you feel better about it all." Peter stood up and extended a hand, helping you stand and the two of you made your way to the front of the ship for takeoff.

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