Powerful | Wanda Maximoff

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Unstoppable. Impossible. Dangerous. Powerful. All these words swirled in your head as you sprinted towards the area where the battle was about to take place. These were the words that people had used to describe you and your powers when it came to the press. 

Sometimes, the words made you feel bad, as if you didn't deserve all the power. And sometimes, times like now, the words pushed you to work harder than ever. 

The battle raged on around you as you stood back to back with Wanda, surrounded by a tight circle of robotic enemies.

"Operation Seeing Red?" Wanda asked quickly, grabbing your hand.

"Yeah," You responded with a grin. "1, 2, 3," 

Time slowed down. Wanda's grip on your hand tightened. Her powers flowed through your hand, and yours through hers; building up until the pressure caused a break. Fire erupted from your hands outward, widespread destruction causing the robots to explode or melt, fueled and kept alive by Wanda's powers. The only thing that the two of you could see was different shades of red and orange. 

When the fire finally died down, the robots surrounding the two of you were absolutely destroyed. The ground around you was blackened by the heat, and many new cracks in the concrete spread out from where you and Wanda stood amidst the wreckage. 

Using your powers together felt amazing--like together there was nothing you couldn't do.
"That was so cool!" You bounced on your heels excitedly. "I mean, I knew logically that that would be a powerful blast but I didn't realize that it was going to be that destructive. It didn't just damage the robots, it destroyed them!"
You bent down, your hand hovering over the hot metal of a broken robot's head.
"Yeah, that was pretty amazing," Wanda agreed with a smile. "Let's go find the others, shall we?"

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