"Liam." A voice said as Liam started to doze off. His head snapped back up to see Bridget awake

"Hey, beautiful." Liam said pulling the chair closer to the bed? "How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted and depressed." Bridget replied as Liam cupped her cheek. "I'm scared that Tailor won't make it. I can't lose him, not after losing Maisie."

"Hey, he's gonna make it. Our son is a fighter. He's got your blood in him and I know he'll make it." Bridget lay her head back down with Liam's hand still on her cheek. She wanted to be strong for Tailor but she didn't know how long she would be. Tailor was so little and so fragile that she thought there was a chance he wouldn't make it. Bridget felt a tear going down her cheek and closed her eyes. Liam gently kissed her cheek where the tear had fallen and then rested his forehead on her neck. Bridget put her hand on the back of his neck and sniffled. "He's gonna make it, babe."


Bridget ate the very disgusting hospital food she was given. Liam was fast asleep in his chair so Bridget let him sleep. Liam's phone started going on but didn't wake up Liam.

"Liam, wake up." Bridget said and tossed a pillow at him.

"What I do?" Liam asked waking up. Then he realized his phone was ringing. "Hello?"

"How's everything going?" Harry asked on the other end of the phone.

"Everything's going better. Tailor's doing better and Bridget is getting released tonight instead of tomorrow. But other than. Everything's going good."

As Liam talked with Harry, Dr. Willard came in and Liam told Harry he had to go. Liam stood next to Bridget and took her hand in his.

"I don't know what it is about your son, but he is progressing faster than most premature babies..." Dr. Willard started to say. "...Many of my nurses are amazed with his progress and I'm pretty sure if he is still going good tomorrow, he may be able to go home early."

"Are you serious?" Liam asked. He was thinking that it was a joke or something like that.

"Very serious, the little boy has a fighting spirit. But I was also sent back her to see if you'd want to come feed him for the first time."

"I'd want that more than anything." Bridget replied trying her hardest not to cry. Dr. Willard got her a wheel chair and they went to the NICU. Bridget was sat in a rocking chair as one of the nurses handed Tailor to her. All Bridget could do was smile as she held and feed her baby boy for the first time. Bridget almost had a heart attack when Baby Tailor, smaller than most babies, opened his eyes and looked up at her.

"He has your eyes." Liam said looking down at his son. Liam gently rubbed his forehead causing Tailor to close his eyes which then caused Liam to smile. "Hey little man." Tailor's eyes instantly opened upon hearing his dad's voice.

"I can't wait for you to come home." Bridget said softly as Tailor slowly finished his bottle.

"He's a fighter, somebody must be looking out for him." The nurse spoke with a smile. Bridget looked at Liam and the two knew exactly who was helping their son. After Tailor was done nursing, he fell asleep as shifted to Liam's arms. Liam was buff and his arms were huge but he was so gently in the way he held Tailor. Liam then sat down next to Bridget. All the pair thought about was having their son home and being a family.


Liam and Bridget were finally able to go home. As they walked in the door they were greeted by the dogs and a happy Durk who immediately bear hugged Bridget. She hugged back with a smile on her face.

"How's Tailor doing?" Durk asked after he hugged Liam.

"He's doing so good that there's a good chance he'll be coming home hopefully tomorrow." Bridget replied and watched as smile appear on Durk's face. Durk hurried up to his room and was followed by Paulie. Liam and Bridget walked up to their room and Bridget fell on her back on the bed. Phoebe climbed up next to her and gently rested her head on Bridget's belly.

"Haven't seen much of you." Bridget said petting Phoebe's head. Phoebe lifted her head and licked her chops as she seemed to enjoy having her head being petted.

"I actually got her from a shelter that told me I was the only one who could get any response from her." Liam said as Phoebe clearly took a liking to Bridget.

"How are we gonna do this, Liam?"

"What do you mean?"

"Juggle a baby and a career? We've already got Durk now we have a baby, how are we gonna juggle everything?"

"We do the best we can. When you feel it's right, I'm gonna go back on tour with the boys and my mum is gonna help you when you need it." Bridget sighed.

"You need to go back on tour, Liam."

"I need to stay here. I have you and the baby to protect."

"Liam, you have a job and you need to be out there doing it. Tailor's okay, I'm okay. Your mum told me she'd help with money while you were gone until I got back to work. I can't keep you from singing."

"Babe, I have a job to take care of my family. I can't go back on tour now." Bridget sat up and cupped Liam's face.

"Yes, you, can. I'll have everybody here to help me. Eleanor can help me and so can Grace and Taryn. You go back with the boys and we can talk every day and whenever you're not busy."

"I'm scared something else is gonna happen while I'm gone again."

"Come here." Bridget wrapped her arms around Liam although she was small compared to him. Liam hugged her back and let out a loud sigh. "Tailor is hopefully coming home tomorrow and then in a few days, you are gonna go back on tour." Liam wanted to be there for his family and he knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate on the tour. Bridget pulled away and kissed him causing Liam to forget about everything.

Stress Comes Again (#2)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now