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He should be in this area" Johns pointed to the glowing screen on the dashboard, he moved his finger in a circle around the screen then tapped it 3 times, "He should be in this area unless he's moved, which sadly the odds are he has moved..." I collapsed back into the seat holding my head in stress, oh my god I just need to know where you are, is that too much to ask? With our luck it probably is.........
"Sit! Please just sit!" I turned my seat to face the back and saw the dog getting excited and walking around, Doll was having a freak out because of how huge it is. Now that I think about it, is it a girl or a boy? Where did he find it? How did he tame it? I'm gonna pound his ass with questions once I see him, I cringed at the thought.
"You know what, honeslty I think you should go take a nap. It's gonna be awhile this planets fucking huge, we're not gonna be able to search this area within a few minutes, it's going to take a  few hours" Johns looked at me frowning, I sighed nodding..... A few hours? Do we even have a few hours?
"Yeah, okay...." I got up walking past Doll and the dog collapsing on the little bench in the back of the ship, and drifted off into a nice sleep.

*A little while later*

"Get up, we found him" Doll shook me until I opened my eyes, she nodded towards  the front. I shot up from the little cot walking across the ship, I leaned closer to the window seeing him down there fighting off those disgusting creatures, he had cuts and bruises all over him.
"What are we gonna do? We can't go down there"
"That's the only option we have Jen, we'ok send you down since your immune to them. We'Dr gonna throw down a little bomb and it should kill them all okay?" He got up and got the harness tossing it to me, Doll came over and strapped me in it while he got the explosive ready.
"You ready to do this?" She patted my shoulder with raised eyebrows, I nodded pointing to the door.
"We'll see, open the door" They opened the door, she told me I just hang by the rope all the way down, connect him to me and they'll pull us up. She lowered me down onto the ground, I landed on his lap making him smirk. I rolled my eyes strapping him to me, they dropped the little bomb exploding all of the creature things, all their goo blood was all over the place. I held my hand up giving them a thumbs up, they pulled us up slowly.
"So did you have fun?" I asked sarcastically, he shook his head drowsey making me laugh. We got to the top and they pulled us in, they got us cleaned up and had him lay down while they got us the hell off this planet. Thank god.
"Angelina, come here"
"Hmm?" I asked leaning down on the cot next to him, he laughed making me raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
"I need to tell you somethin, I love you"

When it hits (Riddick Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin