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It's been 6 days we've been stuck on this planet, and 6 days without a shower.. I feel great. I leaned down and touched the fuzzy dry plant blowing in the breeze, I know this planet's dry and has horrifying creatures but in it's own way it is beautiful. My ribs have almost healed, I don't quite understand how fast their healing, it's not normal. My bruises all over my chest and stomach are still there but over time they will fade, and dissapear.

"Come on, I want to show you something" Riddick pulled me away from my thoughts, I nodded and gave the plant one last look before rising and following him. We walked around some rocks and I almost lost him a few times, then we came to a hault. He didn't say anything but stop behind a rock and stared at pond.

"Why are we staring at a pond?" I asked, he told me to be quiet then bent down and threw a stick near it. This huge creature jumped out, razor sharp teeth, and a scorpian tail, only had 2 legs and blended perfectly with the mud. It hissed and took a bite out of the wood causing it to break in half, then it sunk back down into the mud.

"Holy shit" I whispered, he didn't say anything but walk past me to go back to the area we were at before. I sat down in the dirt and he sat on the log in front of me, I gave him a questioning look.

"Why did you show it to me? Are we going to kill it or something?" If we are that thing is bigger and stronger than us combined, there's no way we would stand a chance against it. Unless we made up a strategy to kill it, which I' actually extremely good at. Back at the kingdom I was always known for my logic and ability to figure out the impossible, also extremely smart in the health department.

"Yep, but did you see the tail?" He asked me, I nodded leaning back on my hands.

"You want to get the venom out of the tail and use it to make us immune?" I asked, he grinned.

"Exactly, smart girl" I smiled at the compliment.

"And how do you supposed we do that?" I rose from the ground stretching, I heard him let out a sigh.

"I don't know, you got any ideas?" He looked up at me, I nodded.

"Yes, but maybe if we go behind it, and draw it out we could attack it from there" I simply stated, it actually wasn't that hard. We quietly sneak in, throw something in front of the pond and when the creature comes out we attack it from behind.

"It might work, but what are we gonna use to kill it? We don't have anything" I laughed at his remark, the pointed behind me out in the desert.

"Where you found me, is a pile of bones only a mile away. And the we have rocks right here to sharpen them" I leaned down and picked up a rock tossing it to him, he caught it with no effort once so ever.

"So as long as we can make it to those bones, and back in one piece it should be a success" I smiled at my smartness, I know it wasn't that hard to think of but I was proud.

"Alright, how do we get past those dogs out there?" He asked.

"Well we can either take our chances without weapons, or we have to at least try and get the bones. By the way, why is it so important that we kill this thing?"

"You know that dark cloud you've been looking at for days" How did he know I was watching the cloud, I looked behind me at the cloud that was miles away but seems to be getting closer and closer, "It's, going to rain enough for every single one of those creatures to come out, and there's thousands of them. Also, their venomous so if we get bit. We die, and I don't think we're going to be getting off this planet any time soon so we need its venom to make us immune" I didn't think of that, that was actually brilliant for him to think about that, I stood up and put my hands on my hips.

"Let's get our asses moving then, how long do you say wr have?" I asked turning back to the cloud, he came over and stood next to me.

"At least a week or 2 at average, maybe less than that. So come on let's get moving" He started ahead of me, this trip is going to be at least a 3 or 4 mile walk, this is going to be fun. I walked after him not exactly excited about this trip.

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