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I woke up smelling something Swampy? Wait a minute, swampy means a lot of mud... And water. When the word water crossed my mind I opened my eyes imidietely, at this point I could care less about where I am or how I got here, I just need water. I tried to sit up but a terrible pain shot through my body, I forgot about my ribs. I layed back down slowly wincing, and lifted up my shirt to look at it. Surprisingly, it looks a whole lot better than before, but that doesn't make any sense. It should be a million times worse, I should be dead actually, all the fluid should have filled up my lungs and killed me. I looked over at the water fall, it's to far away. I pulled my shirt back down and accedently sliding my thumb along the bruise.

"Owww, fuck" I yelped.

"Stay on your back" A male voice spoke, I looked up. Riddick? He was sitting on a rock a little above me, he jumped down and towered over me.

"I thought you died" He just stood there watching me, I closed my eyes about to drop tears, it hurts so much.

"I'm right here, get ready" Get ready? What does he mean get ready? He bent down and slid his arms under me, then brought me up into his arms. The pain was so exruciating my hand flew up to his shoulder digging my nails into his skin.

"I'm sorry" I sqeaked, I'd rather be dead than deal with this bullshit. He didn't say anything but gently set me on a rock. I took a deep breath squinting my eyes shut. I heard him move a few feet from me, I opened my eyes once some of the pain went away. Looking over to my left, he was sitting there looking out at the desert.

"Why are you here? Why didn't you come back?" I was still holding my chest, the pain won't go away.

"Question is, why are you here?" He tilted his head looking at me, I looked back up at the caves ceiling.

"They thought I had something to do with you, like I worked for you or something. So they beat me then dropped me off here" I looked at him while finishing the last sentence, I let out a small laugh and then completely regretted it. A pain shot through my body all over again, making me hold me breath trying to not let a scream escape my lips.

"Stay down for a few days, it might take a few weeks before you can walk again" Riddick's husky voice echoed through the cave, I have never met a man with such a deep voice.

"Oh yes, no bath for weeks sounds pleasant" I smiled sarcastically, I heard him let out a small chuckle.

"I told them to take me to my home planet, then they brought me here and attacked me. That's why I didn't return"

"I've always hated Necromongers, they only reason I'm with them is because they wipe out my whole family and I had no where to go" It's been a long time since I've talked about my family, I can still remember my little sister screaming, then all of a sudden it was cut off. I was only 15, it's been 10 years I've worked for them. I really thought that just possibly, I might have earned at least a slight bit of trust. But I guess not, none at all.

"Your not the only one" He stared deeply into my eyes, I know exactly how he feels. All alone in the world, pretty much have no one that actually cares about you, what an amazing feeling. I smiled at my sarcastic thought, if I didn't have broken ribs I would have more of a sense if humor. I looked back over to the desert that was completely dark now, I didn't realize how long we talked. Back at the kingdom he was never really a talker, a lot of just silence.

"So.. Where am I sleeping?" I asked, he pointed to the rock again. Oh great, we're sleeping underground, and together. Perfect, just perfect. I nodded at my sarcastic thought once again, he looked at me wondering if he has permission to pick me up.

"Here we go again" I threw my head back holding my breath getting ready for whatever pain is going to come, I felt me be picked up and in his arms. I let out a small scream, the pain felt like fire running through me, I clenched my fists and started sweating. He brought us over to the rock and set me down into the hole, he slowly climbed in and pulled the rock over us. It was so dark I couldn't see anything, I heard him shuffling around next to me probably trying to get comfortable. With me in here theres pretty much no room, after all it already was a tight space

"Thank you" I whispered slowly, I could feel the dirt rubbing against my lower back from my tank top riding up my stomach and back, wasn't exactly in the greatest condition to fix it so I let it be.

"For what" He questioned, I closed my eyes taking in deep breath before going to sleep.

"Treating my wounds , caring for me. Saving my life" I finished the last sentence while turning to him, he really did.

"If it weren't for me you wouldn't even be on this planet" His tone got a little rough like he was ashamed, yes technically he is the reason I'm here.

"Either way, you saved my life. Thank you" I closed my eyes surprisingly falling into a peaceful sleep. No matter what he says, he did save my life, he might be the reason I have broken ribs a s stuck on this damn planet but I would rather be here than working with the Necromongers, he saved me in so many ways he can't even imagine.

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