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"Have I ever told you... My feet hurt?" I laughed, he groaned.

"Only a million times" He let out a rough sigh, I threw my head back laughing then nudged him in the shoulder.

"You know I'm just trying to piss you off right?" I grinned at him, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I noticed" He looked ahead and continued walking, I started cracking up and followed behind him. We were a little more than halfway there I'd say, there was this hug rock not to far from where we are right now. If we continue walking we'll get there in at least 10 mintues, then the weirdest thought crossed my mind.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" I asked curiously, he gave me a that-was-extremely-random look.

"No, never really took the time to settle down and get to know people. And getting civalized, I truthfully wouldn't know how" I stared a my feet listening to him, he's right. By what he's known for I guess be really didn't know how, but I have never been in a relationship either. But I heard their no fun, the sex is nice sometimes but it's a lot of work.

"Oh my god, you know what I didn't think about" I stopped in my tracks with mouth left open, he shrugged, "We should have left in the morning! When we actually had time to get there and back. Fuck! By the time we get the bones and go back to the cave it's going to be Pitch black out here, we're gonna need to find shelter" I stated, I looked up into the sky and saw it was twilight.

"I can see just fine in the dark" He smiled at me and tapping on his thing over his eyes, I tilted my head confused. He pulled them off over and his head I finally saw his eyes for the first time, whoa.

"Your eyes are really pretty, you should so go with out the shades" I but my lip nodding, he kept them off and continued walking.

"Why are your eyes like that?"

"I got a shine job on my eyes so I could see in the dark" He stepped on a small shrub crushing it.

"What made caused you to do that?" I shook my head confused, then I tripped on something and fell on my butt.

"Owch" I whined getting up and rubbing my butt, then looked down and saw the bones I was talking about.

"There was this guy named Johns who was chasing me for about 8 years, also a lot of other bounty hunters were after me and still are" He bent down and picked up one of the small bones and observed it.

"So what's the plan? Are we staying here till morning, are you just gonna go back, or are we gonna walk through the dark?" I asked placing my hands on my hips, he looked up at me still on the ground.

"Well we can't leave the pretty lady alone can we?" He smirked rising, I was slightly caught off guard. I didn't excpect that to come out of his mouth, but I couldn't help but smile.

"So we stay?" I asked, he nodded and started walking around the enormous rocks that surrounded us.

"Go look around for a spot to stay and that's safe" I did as I was told without question, I grabbed one of the bones that was shaped like a baseball bat, then threw it up onto the rock above me. I saw Riddick look at me like I was out of my mind, I could see in his eyes he was wondering if I could actually make it up there. I jumped from rock to rock, bouncing, and grabbing all the rocks to get to the bat. I got up there and picked it up, I looked back down at Riddick, he looked quite pleased.

"When I was a servant what I did for fun was learning to fight, use weapons and flexability, and even a little bit of stealth" I laughed slightly embarassed, I never really like using my skills in front of people. But I was extremely good at it considering I studied in the skills for years.

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