Anko the Ninja Girl

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Finally after a long ride, they all arrived at Anko's home, the house really looked like these nice japanese houses, that has a slide door. One door was always open to the house that fresh air could come in. They noticed an older man sitting at a table, it seemed he was drawing? They werent sure. "Uh, excuse me? We are looking for Anko?", Sean drew the man's attention. He looked up and put down his pencil. "You look like you are not from here,  well I need to ask you to take off your shoes and leave them outside, then I show you towards Anko's room", he said kindly.

Sean and Daniel looked at eachother and did what they were told. "We don't like to get our house dirty and it's a japanese tradition", the man added. "Are you Anko's father?", Daniel asked curiously. "I am indeed her father, who might you be?", he asked. "I am Daniel and this is Sean", he introduced himself his brother then the rest. "We came here for a special mission", Daniel added. The man nodded. He opened the door to Anko's room sliding it to the right. "Anko, your friends are here", he said.

"They made it alive, good, make them enter", she told her father. The boys and Max entered with Esteban. Anko prepared some nice pillows for the group to sit on. "Please sit down, my mother will bring soon some tea", she explained. Anko didn't talk until the tea was served. "Finally we can discuss some important matters", she finally continued after taking a few sips from the tea. "I sensed a very dangerous entity coming to earth, Alistar the faceless one with the Old Onces, they are coming, that means we have to enter in war", she said it completely calmly. "B-But wait, how are they entering, we thought we closed the gate in Egypt!", Max looked at her puzzeled.

"It was an illusion, that was not the real gate, it seems like we have been fooled the whole time, someone opened the gates", she explained. "How can you talk so calmly about such dangerous matters?", Sean asked. "I trained a very long time to keep my ghost calm at any time, getting mad or stressed consums to much power and if I get stressed my power will be consumed to fast, I won't be avaible to use my chakra for that counts also my jutsus", she answered. "Senpai Diaz, you musn't come with us to the war, only Master Daniel Diaz and the other four can defeat Alistar the faceless one and the Old Onces, you need to stay with Chloe and your father", she explained.

"I-I, I am afraid Anko, I don't want to lose my brother", Sean looked at the ground. "You won't lose him Senpai, Master Daniel is way stronger than we are, I can sense his chakra from here, it's powerful but it needs more training", she looked over to Daniel.

She finishes the tea and takes Daniel's hand, she bows to him. "Master Daniel, please allow me to personally train you and make you even more stronger", she said that with all determination. Daniel looked at her puzzeled at first, but then he shrugged. "Sure, if that makes me even stronger then let's do it!", he smiled. "You are allowed to watch of course, especially you Senpai, you need to see what your brother is capable of doing", she looked at him. "One question, what was your father doing at the table?", Daniel asked. "He draws Mangas, it's his passion", she smiled finally.

"Anyways, we have no time to loose, let's go", she stood up and turned around to walk in some other room. The team followed her. Soon they arrived in a huge room, it looked like it was made just for training. Just to mention it was under the house. "Alright Daniel, now listen, I will play your enemie here, attack me with everything you got, and don't hesitate to use as much power as you got, I want to test you first to see what training you need", she explained. Daniel nodded.

Anko closed her eyes, let a deep sigh out and quickly drew out some kunai knives and threw them at Daniel. He quickly used his power to stop them, launching them back at her. The kunai penetrated deep inside of her, making blood ooze out of her. Soon as she feel, she transformed into a wood and stood behind Daniel kicking him in his back, making him get launched few meters back, falling on his face. "Urgh, w-what was that!", he stood up, looking at her. "That is called the illusion justu, it makes you seem like you hit me but you actually didn't", she explained.

Daniel picked up the kunai knives again making them hover, trying to throw them at Anko, but without a chance she quickly dodged and shouted quickly doing some finger movements. "Fire ball jutsu!", blowing a huge Fireball out of her mouth. Daniel knew if that hit him, he would definately burn alive. He used his power and the miracle happened, the power created some kind of shield keeping the Fireball from hitting him. "Impossible", she looked at Daniel shocked. His hair started to hover in the air, the aura jumping out of his body, his eyes glowing white again. Soon after a big explosion was to be heard and the older Daniel came out.

The Fireball was immediatelly thrown back at Anko hitting her throwing her against the wall. "Did you call me for me Anko?", the older Daniel smirked saying that in his deep adult voice. Sean was shocked of what he was seeing, he couldn't believe it, his brother grew older and even stronger and he even got more of a six pack then Sean himself.

Anko groaned when she re-emerged back from being smashed to the wall. "Daniel, finally you showed up, I have been waiting for you", she smirked back. "Shall we continue this duel?", she smirked. "I am glad too, but please don't die on me", he smirked back.

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