"No, you're not!" Dean argues, his own anger appearing. The two hot-headed Winchesters glare at each other.

"Okay, cut it out both of you." Sam snaps, pulling Dakota away from Dean. He's already tired of them arguing. "Let's do something fun, the three of us."

"A Sammy date?!" Dakota squeals, ditching her anger for excitement.

"No, bug, the three of us. You, me, and Dean—like old times." Sam corrects her softly, she puts on a thinking face before nodding slowly. She gives Dean a squinted look before smiling at him.

"Let's go!" She cheers, jumping up and climbing into the backseat of Baby.

Sam and Dean chuckle at her excitement before getting into the car.


Sam and Dean sit on lawn chairs, sunglasses perched on their faces as they watch Dakota run around chasing birds. Her giggles fill the air, when she gets close to one she jumps and tries to catch it, but fails.

"You're so close!" Dean calls.

"A little further!" Sam adds on.

Dakota spots a bird a little ways away. Her expression grows determined as she stares down the bird. She lowers herself into a runner's position, taking a deep breath before flinging herself forward quietly. She leaps into the air with her arms outstretch, her fingers only a few inches from the scared bird. Dakota lands on her stomach, her hands out in front of her in failure. She sighs, laying her face down in the sand and groaning.

"Good try!" The boys cheer, both clapping their hands. "You'll get the next one, bug." Sam continues.

Dakota drags herself to her feet, stomping over to Sam and Dean before flopping herself down on Dean's lap. She leans her back against his chest and places her head back on his shoulder, one of his arms comes around her waist and he pats her stomach. She wraps her hands around his, sighing heavily.

"Sammy, can you catch a bird and we tell Bobby I did it?" Dakota asks, after a couple moments of silence, completely serious.

Dean snorts out a laugh when he sees his brother's dumbfound look.

"Uh, sorry bug." Sam replies awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.

"Can we get pie then?" She questions.


"I can't believe she fell asleep." Dean sighs, looking over at his brother—who's holding the sleeping Dakota. They were on their way back to the Impala, they parked a couple blocks away from the diner they ate at, Dakota said she wanted to walk.

"Are you that surprised? She sleeps all the time." Sam laughs quietly and adjusts his hold on his niece.

"I don't know how though!" Dean exclaims in a whisper, throwing his arms out.

"She's a kid, Dean, they sleep a lot." Sam replies. "Or, at least they're suppose to." He shrugs.

"We never did, man."

"We weren't like normal kids, Dean."

Dean turns to retort when he runs into someone as they're turning the corner.

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." Dean apologizes, not looking up at the person. Sam tenses up beside him, causing Dean to look over at him.

"Dean." The person gasps, Dean looks up and immediately his face drops. "Hi."


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