{ My CHB Oc / Lali-Stephone Amelia Black }

Start from the beginning

Fatal Flaw: Self doubt, she doesn't believe in herself to do anything, she underestimates herself too much. She doesn't believe she will ever be any good. She thinks (once claimed) she's just another Apollo kid and is a useless nobody. She doesn't think she offers anything to the world and believes she is a waste of space.

Likes: Reading, she does enjoy a good book. They had become her best friends since they take her out of her world and into another. She knows a lot of stuff because of books but she thinks it is useless. | Her mother, she is one if her biggest supporters ever. She feels bad for all the pain she had put her mother through and yet she never stopped loving her.| Her Pegasus, she adores this equine, and even though she can't talk to them she just understands her by body language. She is her pride and joy, she loves to pamper her horse a little to much. | Macaroni and cheese, that is a comfort food to her, it always made her feel at home. Any pasta does that but macaroni and cheese has a special place since it was the first pasta dish her mother gave her when things had gotten bad when she was younger. |

Dislikes: Talking about her past. She doesn't like dwelling on her weakest times, so you will never hear her talk about it. It is very rare for her to admit it and if she does bravo, you are amazing and special.| People insulting her, she doesn't like it when people try and bring her down. She sees it as then trying to get under her skin and she simply replies tell her something she doesn't already know.| Not being able to do anything, the feeling of being a tree is horrible. Trees don't move, they watch everything, it symbolizes being paralyzed and she hates that feeling.| Public speaking, she doesn't like talking to people. It just isn't a fun thing for her to do. She gets all nervous and just states like a deer in the headlights then run off. | Being an Apollo kid, as stated in her fatal flaws she doesn't see how she can be called an Apollo kid. She does nothing that normal Apollo kids can. She doesn't feel she fits in. |

Fears: Water, in her backstory you will see why she is afraid. Many people think she is silly for it and others think she is odd. She knows that many people don't understand why she is and she never says either why. | Roaches, moths, those type of creepy crawlies she loathes. Like most it is a true that bugs are a true phobia. Even though she doesn't know why she is that way, she just knows keep them away from her. |



Mortal parent: Her Mother, Lillian "Lily" Samantha Black, (Bridget Moynahan)

Mortal parent: Her Mother, Lillian "Lily" Samantha Black, (Bridget Moynahan)

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Godly Parent: Apollo

Crush: No one, but she is open to finding love although she doesn't k ow when or how.

Pet: She has a golden Pegasus with white sparkly wings named Charisma. She is very loyal to her Steph and will do almost anything for her but will not listen to anyone else no matter what. Unless of course if her Steph says it is okay.

Summer Camper

Backstory: Stephone lived in a small run down white house in Bronx, New York. Her mother had her when she was just 19 years old, she had gotten pregnant when she was 18. She did everything for her daughter and even didn't go to college to raise her up.

She was the victim of bullying, the torment got really bad some days while others she was free from it. From pranks to embarrassment to even being shoved in a locker. It got worse as she got older, and that made her turn into a wallflower, keeping back and just observing everything that was going on.
Due to it all, she had tired to take her life, not because she liked to feel pain, it was because she just wanted to end all of it. She ended up in the hospital so much and she felt horrible after word, putting her mother through all that pain. She doesn't know she is a demigod, nor when she finds out care she care.

She was dropped off at the boarder of Camp Half-Blood by her mother, saying she would be safe there. Her mother had gotten a bad feeling that she needed to send her daughter somewhere safe for the summer instead of staying home.
A few years back, when she was around 12 or younger, she had gone to a pool party. It was for one of her classmates birthday. The birthday girl (also one of many people who hated Stephone) decided with her friends to pull a prank. Some of the jocks through her in the water, hoping she would get all wet and mad. But they didn't know couldn't swim and kinda almost died from drowning, if it wasn't for the birthday girl's father diving in and saving her, after giving her CPR and coughing up water. Hence why she hates large bodies of water.

Other: She can read and speak a little Greek since her mother taught her just enough to have basic conversations but she is fluent in Spanish. | She has an ole jalopy, a black 65 Cadillac DeVille conferrable, with camel colored leather seat. | She has a broken Hello Kitty watch she's had since she was a small child. | She wears her mother's locket that has a picture of the two of then when she was little and a single picture of her mom. | She carries around a messenger bag, which she everything she needs. | She keeps her phone a secret, it was a gift from her "mortal" cousin - Kendra - who is a secret demigod. | She has scars on her wrist from trying to kill herself from her depression which is why she will only wear long sleeves. |


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