{ My CHB Oc / Lali-Stephone Amelia Black }

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Name: Lali-Stephone (pronounced la-lee-steph-anne-knee) "Stephone" Amelia Black

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Name: Lali-Stephone (pronounced la-lee-steph-anne-knee) "Stephone" Amelia Black

Nickname: Steph, Sunny Steph, Sunbeams

Age: Sixteen and a half

Birthday: July 4th

Gender: Female

Looks: Dasha Taran

Personality: She is very timid girl, very shy and doesn't say a lot to anyone. She has never been a real people person and you can thank her social anxiety for that. Its rare for her to say more than five sentences at once, this is due to her social anxiety which is one of her major problems. She can be sarcastic at times only when she feels it necessary, like when she is very ticked off, which is very rare. Normally she is a calm girl she can be a bit of a door mat sadly, which she tries not to but it sometimes happens. Every so often she may get depressed, but she so far has been pretty good at managing it. She is very nervous around new people and most situations. She underestimates herself all the time, she doesn't believe in herself at all which is part of her fatal flaw, at times she can get angry when she is pushed past her limit. She doesn't mean to be that way and she most times just pushes it away. Most of the time she just cries since she wears hee heart on her sleeve and has a huge heart. When something is to hard she doesn't follow through she just quits because she can't handle it at all. Sometimes she stalls and just can't make herself move or do anything. She will not hesitated to stand and back up for something she believes and knows is right, even if she faints after doing it. She gets to attached to people who are nice to her, then if something happens its like her whole world came crashing down. She will do everything in her power to help those who are going through the same thing as she did to help them.

Talents: Archery, if she gets a ton of practice she will be amazing at it. Her aim may be a little off and her strength may be a little weak but she can always learn. | Sword fighting, she's really bad at it but can get good if she sets her mind to practicing. | Looking for details in everything around her, that is one thing many wish to have. She can pick up if something is wrong in a blink of an eye. |

Weapon: She has her gold sun ring that turns into a shield when she taps the band of the ring. | Her gold knitting nettle that she keeps in he hair turns into a sword or bow when ever she needs it. | Her earrings are clip on arrows that become real arrows when she needs it and it will always magical appear back on her ear. |

Powers: Healing, she can heal anyone no matter who they are and she is blessed by Hades to be able to heal children of death. |Can control light, which isn't your typical Apollo kid power but she is far from a typical kid. She doesn't mirror her godly parent at all so that is why people find it hard to believe who her godly parent is. |

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