I do? (30)

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"Mrs. Sanders?" A lady with a monotone voice speaks into the phone.

"This is she." I reply. Do people still say that?

"You applied to be an intern for Mr. Tate, and I'm calling to inform you that you got it. You start Monday." The lady tells me, hanging up before I can respond.

I squeal, putting down my phone.

I applied for an internship at ULK, it's a big place for science. I'll be working for Mr. Tate, the boss.

"Did you get it?" Cara waltz into my room... well Alex's guest room, I've been staying here for the past three days.

"Yes, princess, I did." I smile triumphantly.

"Mum said you would, so I believed her. She's always right. I guess that's were I get it from." Cara shrugs, hopping off the bed and walking back out.

She's a strange one, but so damn smart! Sometimes she asks questions that people older than me wouldn't even think of. Hopefully she'll always be that way...

"Jessie, can you help me with dinner?" Alex screams from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon." I yell back. I put down my phone that was resting in my hand, walking into the kitchen.

"Mommy is making pizza!" Cara claps and jumps up and down, its obvious she likes pizza. But at the thought of pizza my mind thinks back to when Harry found out I haven't been eating...

I shake my head to get rid of the memories. "Pizza is good. What do you need me to do?" I ask politely, not wanting to scream about my new hatred towards the food.

"Could you please set the table?" Alex asks while rolling out the dough she had just made.

"Yeah. Nothing else?" I ask to make sure.

"Nothing. Get out of my kitchen and take the little monster with you." Alex playfully winks.

I remember how she always hated when people where in her kitchen... so I take Cara into the dinning room to set the table.

"What's that?" Cara asks, pointing to my wrists. I look down to find her pointing at my scars. I inhale a sharp breath.

I haven't thought, or even looked at them for months... they resemble some really dark times in my life.

"They... They're battle scars." I decide to not tell her the whole truth. she's too young for that.

"Like from the army?" she asks, setting down the last of the utensils and sitting in an empty seat.

"N-no. I... I was sad, and my life was a little bumpy and I got a few cuts and bruises along the way. So these are my battle scars... they remind me that if I could go through that I can go through anything." I explain softly.

"Pizzas ready." Alex steps in, she could probably hear what was happening and didn't want Cara to ask anymore questions.

"Cara go wash your hands before you eat." Alex, being the clean freak she is commands.

"That was beautiful... how you explained it." Alex comments, once Cara had left.

"Thanks." is all I can think to say.

"Do you really think about them like that?" Alex asks me.

I look up and think, that explanation just poured out... I never thought about it before...

"Yes." I finally decide.

"Well that's beautiful." Alex nods.

"Thank you, Alex." I manage.

I hear the door open a few minutes later and Cara's high pitched voice.

"You left your princess, and I don't like that." Once the words leave her mouth I freeze.

I know exactly who that is.

I had major writers block sorry:/

Omg Ily and you're all so perfect like thank you!!!

Guys I saw If I Stay this weekend and it's made me realize that I need to hug my parents way more often!!

my cat, Batman died yesterday so now I'm sad:(

Also, one of my best friends has a little mix fan acc on IG and someone went out of their way to make a hate acc for her. I honestly think that is the worst thing ever, because she did nothing to deserve it! The things she's being accused for makes no sense at all it's almost laughable what the persons saying. The point is if you don't like someone, you don't have to go on their acc, block them, don't follow them! Just please don't practically stalk them and hate on them. idk if they just want attention but my friend is really hurt by this so please never do that. And ik that some people just don't like other people but you don't have to talk to them so don't be a bitch about it and be a good person because this person is either crazy or on crack because who she's hating on is a really great person and I think it's too bad that the hater will never get to see that... reading some of the stuff they are saying really makes me feel bad for famous people because they get this and 20x more everyday. So don't be a bitch basically:)

If you read all that ily.



I do? (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora