Chapter 1: Coming to a Decision

Start from the beginning

"Uh...I don't know. I mean, yea we're friends. I don't know if were anything more then that. I don't know what I'd consider us." He confessed to Dawnpaw, casting a nervous glance at Clary.

Her head tilted at that worried gaze. She didn't know all the ins and outs of HunterClan by any means, but she was getting the impression that being gay wasn't exactly welcome amongst most of the Shadowhunters. She didn't understand that, as where she grew up cats were free to have whatever preferences they wanted.

It was rather obvious to her that Arrowheart was gay, and Patchfur bisexual. But whereas as Patchfur flaunted his sexuality proudly, not afraid to be who he was, Arrowheart seemed terrified of how others might feel. Clary had no idea how to help him, but she wished she could offer him at least some form of comfort.

"I'm almost certain Patchfur likes you, so I wouldn't worry about that if I were you." Dawnpaw told him gently. Arrowheart gave her a shaky nod. Clary opened her mouth to add in, but Arrowheart was quick to change the topic.

"Come on, I see some of that moss you were talking about between those maple tree roots. Let's collect some and then we can collect some bird feathers when we get back to camp." Arrowheart said. Dawnpaw and Clary watched him go, then shared a glance.

"He really is insecure about coming out, huh?" She asked Dawnpaw rhetorically.

The pale yellow she-cat sighed. "Yea, but you have to understand, HunterClan is very...traditional. Lots of cats might not like him for being...." she trailed off.

"Gay? I don't see why that should matter." Clary muttered, beginning to head towards where Arrowheart had stopped at the tree roots.

The bark was a dark brown there from the rain, almost blending in with the dirt. The warrior had his claws out, scraping delicate scraps of moss out before picking them up and putting them in a pile off to the side. Dawnpaw caught up to Clary a few tail lengths before she reached Arrowheart. The tom was so focused on his task that he was paying his two companions no mind. The apprentice's blue eyes were wide, searching.

"Clary, just because many of the older cats think that way, doesn't mean I do. I want Arrowheart to be happy. He's always been so caring, and he just deserves the best." Dawnpaw said.

"I'm assuming there's a but involved." Clary said, her green gazed focused on Arrowheart's hunched over form.

"But I don't want him to get hurt. Whatever he decides; however, I'll support him no matter what comes." She finished. Clary dipped her head agreeably at that.

"Me too." Clary told her. Dawnpaw gave Clary a small smile at that, one that Clary returned in earnest.

"Hey, if you two would stop lallygagging and come help me, that would be greatly appreciated." Arrowheart called out. His blue eyes were focused on them now, a flicker of annoyance in their depths.

"Coming!" Clary called back, hastily making her way over.

Dawnpaw was on her heels, the two of them by Arrowheart's side quickly. The three cats peeled the roots free of moss, collecting a sizable amount before they headed back to camp. When they were finally on their way back was when Clary finally got to talk to Arrowheart in private.

Dawnpaw had headed back earlier. Nightrose had come out to retrieve the apprentice. Featherflight needed help in the Nursery, as another cat had caught Tumblekit's bellyache. This left Arrowheart alone with Clary, the two each carrying a bundle of freshly torn moss.

"So," Clary began, "I was wondering if you could help me with something." Arrowheart's ear twitched, a noncommittal sound making his way out of his throat.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now