Chapter 8

72 11 9

18th August 2012,

After the really frightening event last night, Coe was pretty shaken up and had left immediately after. I too was pretty scared and slept with my lights on, staring at the crack all night and finally getting some sleep after around 2'o clock.

The sun was just coming out from behind the mountains when I woke up. With the events of last night still fresh in my mind, I sat down on the bed and looked around, my eyes finally fixing on the crack which now seemed so sinister and dangerous. I took a big gulp of water from the bottle I always keep beside my bed and slowly moved towards the bathroom, making sure not to make any noise.

I was easily able to find the light switch in my first attempt thanks to all the lights I had left switched on in fear (no thanks to the creepy note). I sleepily yet cautiously went inside and opened the tap.

As the cold water filled the basin, I took some water in my cupped hands and splashed it on my face. The water drenched my face, dripping from my forelock and my chin, all the way down to my chest. I grabbed the corners of the basin and rested my body on it. I took long and deep breaths, trying to get the night's occurrence out of my mind but to no avail.

I then took my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth vigorously. As I looked into the mirror I started having flashes of yesternight.

The slam of the cupboard. Ella rushing towards the crack. The note.

Something was missing, something wasn't right and I knew it deep inside me but I couldn't place my finger on what it was. I looked out of the bathroom door and stared at the crack that sat there so innocently.
'What are you hiding my friend? What is it that you and I saw yesternight which I can't get out of my head? What is now so dangerous about you, my friend? What is it?'

I spat in the basin and taking some water, swished it in my mouth before spitting it out. I grinned in the mirror and smiled half-heartedly at my pearly white teeth. Suddenly keeping my body fit and healthy seemed so trivial.

I tried to get all the negative thoughts out of my mind by vigorously shaking my head, and slapping my cheeks, but to no avail. Defeated, I finally decided to give a fresh start to my day and quickly changed into my jogging attire. 'Maybe a jog would help me get a better and fresh perspective and then I could figure out why I am so frightened of the night before.'
Grabbing my iPod and locking the door behind me, I ran down the stairs to the nearby park.

I popped in my earphones and let the rhythm guide my legs and mind. As I slowly started enjoying the cold breeze hitting my face, I stopped in shock as I saw Ella jog past me towards the park gate, her bare neck gleaming with sweat. I sighed in relief as I realized that she hadn't seen me.

'Wasn't she a late-riser? An evening walk person? ' I wondered and as quickly as the thought came in my mind, I shrugged it off and continued my jog.

Looking at the chirping birds, the gently swaying trees and tasting the freshness and cold in the wind, I smiled widely. I closed my eyes and slowly made everything disappear. Nothing but me, and the wonders of nature.

I stopped as I neared the pool and sat down under the cool shade of the trees. I pulled out my earphone and resting my head on the bark of the tree, closed my eyes and listened to the sweet melody of the world. As the soothing breeze slowly washed away all my worries and fatigue, I gently opened my eyes and whispered a small prayer of thanks. Today this nature seemed more important than my jog, a voice in the back of my mind warned me that this may be the last time I see them.

I rubbed my eyes vigorously and tried to silence the voice but even my sixth sense was now screaming at me.
'Something bad is gonna happen, Joe, something very, very bad. Something that will completely turn over your life and not for good. It will take you down with it and you will not be able to do anything but look up helplessly.'

Just then, the ring of my phone snapped me out of my torture. Although I had never taken my phone in my jog, I didn't care how I brought it today. The only thing I cared was to talk to the caller and shut my mind for some time.

I quickly stood up, and plugging my earphone to my phone, flipped it open. It was Coe. I readily accepted the call.

"Hello", his voice came from the other end.

" Hi", I said, realizing that I was panting.

"You too didn't have a good sleep did you?"

"No", I said, resuming my jog back to my apartment.

I reached it in eight minutes, still talking to him. I quickly ascended the stairs, something beckoning to me to come fast.

"You know something was wrong about the whole thing." He said and I hummed in acceptance. Talking to him about the night slowly relaxed me.

By the time I reached the front door to my apartment, my mind was at peace and my uneasiness was long gone. I felt for my keys in the back pocket of my shorts and took it out like a cowboy, flinging it in the air. Just as I was about to catch it, my feet stumbled and the key landed near Ella's door.

"Do you think we should investigate it later?" I asked Coe as I walked towards the keys.

"No, you shouldn't. Enough of Ella. You should keep away from her!" He protested.

As I bent down, the left side of my earphone fell out and a loud angry commotion hit my head. It was coming from Ella's house. Curious, I came closer and found the door slightly ajar.

"Are you there?" I could hear Coe's suspicious voice from the other earpod.

"Something is happening in Ella's place," I whispered to him.

"Get out of there! " he almost shouted, his voice panicky. "No need to investigate anything! It's too dangerous! Get out!"

I ignored his warning and slowly pushed it open. My eyes went wide in shock and horror as I saw a familiar face standing there with a gun in his hand, pointing it at Ella. Both the people looked towards me with the same expression of shock and horror.

"Joseph!" he exclaimed in surprise.

"James?" I asked, surprised at his presence there. 'He was telling the truth!'

" What James?" Coe shrieked. "Joe get out! Get the hell away from that creepy woman's apartment! Joe get ou-"

Just then the melodious sound of nature, the screaming of Coe and every other voice shattered as the sound of a gunshot pierced through it all, making a bunch of chirping sparrows scatter away in fear.

"Joe!" I could hear the shout of horror from Coe's side before a deadly silence enveloped everything.

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