"Your majesty, you are ready." Taking a deep breath to relax myself, I dismiss my ladies and stroll with Petunia to my husband, ready to be coronated.


Alex looks so handsome in his finery; he is making it hard to concentrate. But now really isn't the time to lose focus, as Alex and I are seated before the members of the counsel and the most important lycanthrope beings in the world, about to be officially coronated as King and Queen. In my hands are the Spector and orb, cold and heavy in my hands, the weight of my responsibilities encased in them. Alex has already taken his oath, and now it is my turn. As accustomed to werewolf law, if the previous ruler is abdicating the throne, he delivers the coronation oath and blesses the new rulers.

"Princess Phoebe Selena Aisha Kensington-Wield, is your highness willing to accept the oath?" Alex's father Herrick asks me.

"I am willing." I announce firmly to the congregation.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern all the registered Werewolf and Lycan packs including their members, and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

"I solemnly promise to do so."

"Will you to your power cause Law, Justice, Fairness and Love, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?" Herrick asks me.

"I will." I nod in confirmation.

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of our Goddess of the Moon, and trust in your council for direction, as well as give your life for the crown?"

"I will."

"You are now anointed, blessed and consecrated as Queen Luna."

Herrick then shuffles around to the side to retrieve my crown, ready to seal the deal. It is the most ornate tiara known to the world; the Mother Crown. At an estimated cost closer to the billions then millions, it is truly the most spectacular piece of jewellery I have ever laid my eyes upon. It is made of 24-carat gold, and bedazzled with over one hundred pure crystal diamonds reaching around my head in a halo. Eighteen brilliant teardrop shaped red rubies accompany the spectacular diamonds as the statement of the crown, and then another diamond blinks on top of the rubies.

As Herrick places it upon my head, loud cheers and applause ring out through the church, and a flash of bright light bursts into the walkway just across from me. Highly trained, lethal guards immediately jump into action, but I soon call them to halt as I realise it is just my mother. The whole theatre gasps as her form materialises, making her look like a brilliant pure angel, floating above the assembly. Everyone in the room drops to their knees in respect.

"Rise my beloved children, today is one of the most special days in all history of time. My daughter, Luna Phoebe, is now crowned as your Queen. Respect her and follow her joyous rule, and you shall all be blessed forever." My mother announces, turning to wink at me, before she explodes into the air, her form turning into diamonds raining down on the ecstatic assembly.

Alex and I then rise together, hand in hand, a united force, in front of our subjects.

"I love you so much Phoebe. I can't believe that we've done it... Nothing could make this day any better." Alex sighs with his arms tightly around me.

I chuckle in response, smiling and waving to our people as we stroll out of the church, and into the awaiting Bentley, escorted by police and royal guards back to the palace for the after coronation celebrations. I wait until the soundproof doors shut, before reaching up to Alex and pulling him down to my lips, the kiss quickly becoming heated, as always. Our flame is eternal; the desire we have for one another will never dull or burn out.

"Alex... I need... to... tell... you... something." I murmur into his lips between our sensual kisses.

"What is it my love?" He asks as he pulls back, panting for air. An aroused flush decorates his cheeks, making me wild for him and turning me into putty in his hands.

"Well... I may or may not..." I begin, feeling suspense crawl into the air.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?" Alex fires out, worried.

"Be pregnant..." I whisper into his ear, suddenly feeing nervous as he freezes.

"P-pregnant? You're pregnant?" He asks aghast.

"Y-yes... But that's good right? Not too soon?" I inquire, sounding pitchy.

"Good? Oh my goddess Phoebe! This is the best thing I've ever heard!" Alex yells excited, causing me to relax. "I can't believe it... you're pregnant? With my baby?" He chuckles again, one large hand firmly cupping my still flat stomach.

"No, I'm pregnant with Vincent's." I roll my eyes.

Alex growls furiously, pulling me into him, causing my blood to heat in a way only he can.

"You and I both know you would never let anyone touch you apart from me. Only I can push you so far you scream until you feel like your lungs might burst. Only I can get you so hot that you spread out for me like a golden platter." Alex whispers tauntingly in my ear.

"Oh Alex, you're going to be a wonderful dad... but you need to watch your mouth around the baby." I chuckle, putting him at ease. "And I would be more then happy if you would like to prove that later on..." I wink at him cheekily.

"And you're going to be the most amazing, beautiful, sexy mama in the world. And if you think I'm going to let you off easy for your teasing, you'd be wrong." Alex chuckles back, pulling me into his arms with one wrapped around my stomach protectively.

This is us. We fight, we love, we taunt, and we compliment each other. Alex is my destiny, and we were so lucky to have found and kept each other, against all the odds.

Woohoo!! Thanks so much for reading this book. I loved writing!!

I won't be doing a sequel, but I do have 3 bonus chapters lined up, and the first may or may not feature hard smut ;)

Please check out my other works, and keep smiling and writing and sharing love forever!

Love you guys ❤️❤️


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