"Whys that?" he asked as he ate his cereal.  

"I need to pay him a visit," she said being as vague as possible.  

"Alright...?" he said pulling out his phone and tapping away at it. "Rory Cameron Forst?" he asked wanting to double check. 

"Yup, that's him," she replied easily waiting for the address.  

"I'll tell you the address if you tell me why you're going to see him," he bargained.  

"I'm going over there so that we can have mind blowing sex," She said sarcastically, "That's what you wanted to hear isn't it?" she asked waiting.  

"Seriously Si, why?" he asked laughing. 

"He's Kieran's lawyer," she said simply as he just nodded and then smirked.  

"I'd already sent it up your phone," he chuckled before ducking the hit that she threw at him.  

"Love you too," he called as she got up and walked out giving him the finger.  

She programmed the GPS and then headed out to find Rory. He ended up living about an hour away in a nice little apartment building. She parked her car and then climbed out before walking inside and heading for the elevator. She pressed eight and then waited as it slowly took her to the eighth floor. She stepped out and walked down the hallway until she found 83 and knocked on the red door.  

"Sienna? What are you doing here?" he asked once he opened the door.  

"Mind if I come in?" she asked politely. He simply stepped back to allow her in. She looked around seeing a really nice little apartment. It was spacious and modern but still felt homely.  

"What brings you here?" he asked as he sat down on the couch and gestured for her to do the same.  

"I guess I owe you an explanation," she said simply getting straight into it.  

"Basically, I'm not exactly on the right side of the law. Neither are any of the boys I live with. You know what Kieran's record is like and all ours are quite similar if not worse in some cases. I trust you Rory, and I need you to keep quiet about this," she said waiting for his reaction.  

"I already figured that you weren't exactly the law abiding type, I know about the juvie. I actually paid attention unlike some people. I'm not going to lie your friend is deep in the shit. I won't say anything but just don't drag me into this," he said quite calmly. Sienna was so grateful. Rory was the quiet one who was always there when you needed him.  

"Me and my boys are breaking Kieran out. They won't even know that he's gone until it's too late but I need you to keep it quiet. I'll pay you if you do that for me, and once you're fully qualified you can have us as full time clients if you want. Name the price," she said, silently thanking him for cooperating.  

"You don't have to pay me, I'm not qualified yet and I'd be happy too as long as I don't get dragged into any of your other business," he said smiling at her. He's known her his whole life practically, he was one of the only people who really knew who she was, he wasn't exactly on the right side of the law either for a while and he saw firsthand just what she could do.  

"Here's twenty grand, I'll give you another twenty once he's out. I owe you big time," she said pulling out a stack of cash from inside her jacket.  

"You don't, just don't mention what happened that night and we're even," he said as she just laughed.  

"I remember now, I won't, but take the cash anyways. Pre-payment," she shrugged handing it to him.

"Alright, so do you want a drink?" he asked grudgingly taking the cash and then standing up.  

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