Chapter 49: Curtain Up

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The singing was all above average, everyone agreed. The soprano, Susan Cornell, was outstanding as Cosette, and though her acting left a little to be desired, she more than made up for it with her stellar vocals. Amelia Shaw as Fantine brought the right amount of vulnerability and pathos to her role, and enough people knew her real life story to ensure that there wasn't a dry eye in the place. Pepsi and Gordon as the Thenardiers weren't really the best singers, but their comedic timing was just about perfect, and they were horribly wonderful as the evil, awful married blackmailers.

Everyone agreed, though, that  Elliott as the handsome, noble and oblivious Marius and Ruthie as the tragic, doomed Eponine stole the show. The romantic, sexual tension between them was a palpable thing that could almost be touched, and the scenes between them just throbbed with feeling. When Ruthie sang "On My Own," she got a standing ovation that brought the house down and actually became a show stopping moment where they had to hold all cues and wait for the applause to stop. She could see her dads in the front row, clapping madly, tears in their eyes, and spared a slight smile for them.

Never tire of this. Never.


The entire cast was invited to Ruthie's house for an opening night barbecue after the performance, where Ms. Piper would give notes. Because of this, her dads left without seeing her after the show, to light the grill and get everything ready. Ruthie would ride over with Elliott after the stage was set for the next night's performance.

"You guys! Everything was so amazing! Well done!" Ms. Piper exclaimed. "Obviously a few things went wrong, and we'll have to work on them for tomorrow, but I think notes will go quick, so let's get to Ruthie's and get some food in us, okay? Go, go, see you over there, hurry!"

"Oh my god, Ruthie, you and Elliott were amazing, I thought you guys were going to go at it right there on the stage!"

Ruthie just smiled at the boy who had spoken as she walked out to the parking lot with Elliott, holding his hand.

He pulled her close for a very romantic kiss, which had none of the hectic urgency of that afternoon.

"It did feel pretty fucking brilliant, didn't it?" he asked her with a grin. He rubbed noses with her before releasing her to get in on the driver's side.

"Yeah," she agreed. Before she could say anything else, he spoke again.

"You going to talk to your dads? About acting and not being a solicitor and all that?"

Ruthie bit her lips together, then swallowed.

"I guess I should, huh?" She looked over at Elliott. "I mean, everyone around me is going for what they really want..."

Elliott took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "It's really up to you, but my opinion is yes. You should do what makes you happy, or try, anyway. Wouldn't you rather spend your life as a poor person trying to be an actor than a wealthy solicitor? Barrister? Fuck it all, lawyer, whatever you call them?"

"What makes you think I'd be a poor person trying, huh, Elliott?" Ruthie teased. "I might end up being the next Patti LuPone, you don't know!"

Elliott laughed and kissed her knuckles again. "I've no doubt you could be the next Nathan Fucking Lane, jellybean, honest. But you get my point." He released her hand. "Come on, let's go eat. I'm starving."

People were already well into the food by the time they got there, and the pool was getting plenty of use. Amal Clooney was wandering at will among the guests, believing that anything she could reach with her mouth was hers for the taking.

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