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They eventually got cold and went back inside. It was only six and the night was still young, so they decided to watch YouTube in Zach's room.

"What videos do you want to watch?" asked Jack. Zach swiped down his feed, "I like Shane Dawson, but he swears a lot."

"Is he funny?"

Zach furiously nodded his head, "Very!"

"Okay, let's watch!"

Zach clicked on a video titled 'SELLING MY UNDERWEAR ON EBAY *$100,000*' and it looked funny enough.

Zach looked over at Jack during the video, wanting to see his reactions. Ever since Jack called him beautiful he felt different with him, he would feel special that someone actually thought that about him.

Zach glanced over to his lipstick, before looking back at Jack.

"C- can I do something?" asked Zach. Jack glanced over to him, "Sure."

Zach got up and walked over to his dresser, grabbing the red tube of makeup and walking over to Jack.

Jack sat at the edge of the bed, staring at his with furrowed eyebrows, "Can I like -- can I," Zach sighed, "can I put this on you?"

"The lipstick?"


Jack's eyes grew wide, "Oh.. Okay."

"Sorry, I knew it was stupid, I'll just-" "No, do it."

Zach just nodded and took the cap off, "Don't move, I'm not that good at this."


Zach carefully put the red lipstick onto Jack's lips, making sure not to get any on his chin.

"Okay, now like, rub them together."

Jack did that and Zach just stared at him in awe.

Now he got what Jack meant when he said boys can be beautiful.

"You look really good." told Zach.

"Really?" asked Jack.

"Yes, look at yourself."

Jack got up and looked into the mirror, the lipstick did really suit him.

Zach walked into the mirror, the red lipstick on his own lips, "We look good. Want to take a photo? I have this camera-thing that prints out the photos in a cute grid and you can write the date at the bottom that we could use."

"Those Instax things?"


"Those are so cool, yes, let's take some."


"The date is barely visible anymore."

"Fifteen years ago, christ."


They took ten photos. They smiled, did stupid faces, and Jack even kissed Zach's cheek in one, leaving a red stain on Zach's cheek. That photo Jack kept.

Zach looked at all the photos and smiled brightly, "They're so cute!"

"I know!"

"I think you're beautiful too Jack." told Zach shyly.

"What?" asked Jack in surprise.

"Yeah, I- I do."

Jack blushed, "Thank you."

"No, thank you."

The two boys spent the rest of the night (until Jack's mother picked them up, not questioning the red tint on Jack's lips) watching Shane Dawson and overall having an amazing time.


brace for impact beaches, this flight about to be hit by a TON of turbulence ;)

I SEE THE CONSTELLATIONS [ JACK x ZACH ]Where stories live. Discover now