Chapter 21: Adapting

Comenzar desde el principio

My heart skipped a bit but I tried to muster courage. "she can't do anything "

Fathia snorted "I hope not". She looked sideways and saw Ogechi come in. She tapped suliat "She's back, climb your bed fast". She quickly laid down on her bed beside mine covering herself with her duvet. Suliat also climbed the bunk above me and laid down.

"Didn't you all hear the bell?" she walked down to my bed just as I was laying down. "The three of you get up". We stood up instantly and stood before her.

"The bell for siesta rang five minutes ago, others are on their beds and you three were doing what? " she raised her brows and we looked down. "gisting?"

"We are sorry" Fathia said. She glared at us for some seconds. "under your beds".

"what? " I asked confused on what she said. Fathia and Suliat bent down and had already began clearing the space under the bunk.

"Are you deaf? " she repeated. Fathia got hold of my hand and pulled me down. "She means sleep under the bunk. My eyes widened "Under the bunk? ". With a tug she pulled me under the bunk. I waited to hear her feet walk away before speaking. "Why can't we report this to the matron instead of obeying?"

"That has happened several times and those who reported still got disciplined for a week by all the seniors after they got their punishment. No one would want to risk that happening again. " Suliat explained succinctly.

I later got to find out that my punishment was a result of my offence to senior Nifemi. Little did I know that was just a tip. The next phase came sooner the next morning. We always woke up by 5am and gathered in front of the hostel for our morning devotion while the Muslims have their prayers separately. After that we would go for our bathes. The unlucky ones amongst us are chosen each day to fetch water for our seniors. The whole hostel makes sure theirs is fetched first if not it will be replaced with anybody's own.

I was leaving my room with Suliat and Fathia when she Nifemi called me back.
"Take this" she stretched her bucket to me, "go and fetch it and drop it in the seniors bathroom for me". I knew better than to defy my seniors now after the unpleasant sleep under the bunk yesterday. I collected it and went to join Suliat and Fathia on the line.

They looked at my hand as soon as I joined them "Oops you have been chosen" Fathia said

"And by the most terrible senior in fact". Suliat added

"What do you mean? " I was confused already. I just have to fetch the water and give her. "What's the fuss about?"

"She doesn't just ask you to fetch her water and you expect it to end there". Suliat explained already scaring me. "Just remember, whatever you are told to do, just do it in good faith".

"Just tell me" I was already becoming impatient and bitter. Fathia patted my back "Calm down, it's not so bad. She might just tell you to---"

"Ruth!!" I turned back to see Dara calling me, it's been a week now and we haven't always been seeing each other except at nights, preps and during kitchen times. She confided in me that she is sometimes lonely because there wasn't anyone so nice in her room to make friends with.

She got to my side and whispered in my ears "Mummy wants to speak to us".

"I'm coming" I dropped my buckets with my friends and followed her. I had the assurance that my bucket will be filled by the time I got back. It was surprising to me at first the first time I knew Dara came with a phone. Though most of the other students also had cell phones but they were prohibited and we all had to hide them to charge. Especially our seniors who made us watch out at the door in case the matron was coming. Those watching will immediately begin to drum and everyone gets the message.

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