No one's gonna love you - William Nylander

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"Auston are you sure this is going to work?" I ask nervously picking at my nails.

"(Y/n), stop worrying. He's gonna love this."

"I really hope so.."

"Everything has been set up perfectly, what could possibly go wrong?"

"You guys could all be wrong and he could only see me as a friend and not want anything to do with me ever again after all this."

"Way to jump to the worst case scenario (Y/l/n)." Mitch said rolling his eyes.

"Trust us. Willy talks about you constantly. He is head over heels in love with you." Auston said with a warm smile. "Why do you think he's all red in the face everytime you leave a room and come back? We're constantly teasing him because he likes you so much."

"Yeah whatever." I say quietly rolling my eyes.

"Ooh Freddie is almost here with William!! I'm gonna go back up there and wait I'll text you when he's here so you can come up here Aus." Mitch said running up the hill.

"I'm gonna vomit." I say putting my hands on my head looking around at this perfect setup. There was a blanket sprawled out on the sand of William's favourite beach in Toronto, all around in the sand was fake flicker light candles. My mandolin was sitting on the blanket beside a picnic basket. The sun was just barely above the horizon so the sky was pretty but it was getting dark. Everything was perfect. I just hoped that William would feel the same way.

"(Y/n) you're not going to vomit, you're just nervous. Like you always are before singing."

"Yeah but Auston this is worse. This is trying to impress the love of my life who doesn't even know I can sing and it's his favourite song. If I fuck it up it'll be awful.."

"You've been practicing for like two weeks non-stop. You've got this." Auston said pulling me in for a hug. "Okay Will is here so I'm gonna go up. You sit and start playing when I tell you to okay?"

"Um.." I took a deep breath and groaned. "Okay. Okay. I can do this."

"You got this (Y/n)." Auston said smiling going back up the hill that separated the beach from the parking lot.

I got a text from Auston asking if I was ready and my nerves were going crazy as tried to type out an answer. He got the jist of it and told me to start playing the song because he was sending William down. I started playing the opening chords of No One's Gonna Love You by Band of Horses. I could hear William walking down the hill, I couldn't see him because I chose to sit facing the water instead so it wouldn't be quite so nerve wracking. I started singing the song and I saw him sit down beside me on the blanket just staring at me. I didn't look at him at all until I was nearing the end of the song. I looked up into the blue eyes I had fallen in love with and smiled as I sang to him that no one was gonna love him like I do. He had a big smile on his face and it was adorable. It made me smile and blush as I looked back down to finish the song. After it was done I was really nervous again and put my mandolin back down, not looking at him until I felt his hand brush some hair from my face. I looked up to meet his warm, intense, gaze.

"That was beautiful (Y/n)." he said quietly leaning in capturing your lips in a soft kiss, which you gladly returned.

"I love you William.." I said quietly closing my eyes bracing myself incase rejection came. I don't know why it would after we just kissed but I was still worried.

"I love you so much (Y/n). I have for a while."

"Why didn't you say something asshole." I asked hitting his arm playfully.

"You're out of my league." he said shrugging.

"Oh fuck off. You know that's not true." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Come here." he said laying down and opening his arms for me to lay in. I cuddled up to him and looked at him. "You're incredible. You're beautiful, talented, funny, caring, sweet..I could go on and on about how wonderful I think you are. You're everything."

"William?" I asked after a little while of silence and me just looking at the sky.


"Jag älskar dig." Will didn't say anything and I was worried I had gotten it wrong but then he answered.

"And I love you, pretty princess." he said with a big smile. "How did you know to say that?"

"I've been trying to learn Swedish recently."

"How come?"

"So I can talk to you."

"But you can talk to me in English (Y/n)." he said shaking his head.

"Yeah but I want to be able to talk to you in both, and I'll be able to talk to your family and stuff too so it won't be as hard on them anymore."

"See this is what I'm talking about. You didn't have to do that. No one minds talking to you in English. You're such a sweetheart." he pulled me closer to him and gave me a kiss on the head. We both laid there for a long time just looking at the stars and eating the picnic I packed for us. We cuddled on the beach and talked until almost 5am when William decided we should go back to Auston and my house to sleep but this time it was cuddled up in my bed instead of him on the couch.

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