Too Cold- William Nylander

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A/n: Another one from tumblr. might do a part two on this one but idk yet we shall see.


I got to William's house and let yourself in. He had given me the key earlier that day when I was watching him practice. He had to stay longer than expected so he sent me back to his place so I could let out the new puppy from her crate. I walk through the house to the giant living room where Pants was. William let me name the puppy and I'd always wanted a dog named Pants so he let me since he didn't have anything better. She jumped up and started barking when I came up to the crate. She jumped up on me and licked my face.

"Hi Pants! Hi sweetie!" I ruffled her long ears before standing up. "Do you need to go outside? Let's go hunny."

She barked loudly once and ran to the kitchen glass door excitedly. I opened the door and let her go out into the fresh snow to do her business. I also used this time to breathe cold air. It was really warm in William's house and I felt my throat getting scratchy so this was helping a lot. When I finally got the puppy inside the house I dried her off and then went upstairs to William's room. The first thing I did was open his windows wide. It didn't matter that it was -15 outside, it was too hot in this house. After the room was cooling down I put on one of William's leaf t-shirts and snuggled up in the bed with the puppy to watch some X-files while waiting for Willy.

Almost 3 episodes later Pants' ears perked up and she ran out of the room. I knew that meant that he was home but I just stayed in his bed. He'd know where to find me. After getting constant updates of episodes from me about my new-found love there was nowhere else I'd be than in bed where his big tv was. A few seconds later I heard him on the stairs and see his head poke into his room with a big smile.

"Hi bb." I say smiling at my beautiful boy.

"Hi cutie." he said coming fully into the room. "Holy shit, (y/n) it's freezing in here!"

"It's not even that cold.."

"It's like..-50 degrees in here! Why are the windows open?"

"It's way too warm in your house it was hurting my throat."

"Okay well I'm closing them." he said going over and shutting them.

"Can we maybe leave them open a little bit?"

"(y/n) you're a crazy person. It's too damn cold for that."

"Can we please just compromise and open it a little?"

"No." he said coming back over to the bed.

"Okay.." I was getting nervous about this. I had never spent the night with him when it was this cold. He had been really busy with family and hockey so he hasn't been around a lot. I got really sick when it got cold out and the heat was turned up. Croup that I had never grown out of. A fairly rare, but inconvenient, thing.

"Hey are you upset?" Willy asked coming and laying on top of me with a pout.

"No it's okay, don't worry about it." I said with a smile, giving him a small kiss.

"Are you sure you aren't upset with me?"

"Yes Willy I'm positive. You're too cute to stay mad at." I said giving his nose a boop making him giggle and blush.

"Don't doooo that." he said hiding his blushing face in the blanket on my chest. I put your hand on his hair and played with it.

"Don't do what?"

"Call me cute, I'm not cute."

"Babe you are soooo cute what are you even talking about?"

"God no. Are you blind? Have you ever looked at me?"

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