Auston Matthews: Garbage Interview

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"Hey (y/n), I'm home!"

"Hi baby!" I call from the couch with a mouth full of ice cream that I was eating out of the carton.

"Wow what a gorgeous lady." he said coming in and looking at my current position. "What have you done to the livingroom?"

"Well you see. I saw on tumblr the other day this girl made an ultimate cozy nest by pushing her couch and loveseat together. So I made an ultimate cozy nest." I had 3 king size comforters in the nest as well as pillows all the way around. I had a little snack table behind me and a phone/laptop charging station on the other side. I was borrito-ed up pretty good, still wearing my pajamas and had my hair in a messy ponytail from sleeping on it and laying on it all day.

"You little cutie. Is there room for one more in there?"

"Yeah but you have to be in pajamas. Or at least sweatpants. This is a comfy only zone."

"Okay let me go get changed from interviews and I'll be back." he started leaving the room.

"Oh shit wait will you put my ice cream back?" he walked up to the couch and put his hands on the back of it looking at me with a serious face. "Please?" still serious. "Pretty please?" serious man. "For me?" I ask with you cutest possible smile which broke him causing him to smile.

"Oh my god fine." he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and took my ice cream.

"Thank yoooou."

I sit there for a few minutes playing around on my phone before Auston came back looking hot as ever in sweatpants. He decided on no shirt and I personally was all about that decision.

"How do I get into this little nest baby?"

"I donno just flop in." as soon as I said that I regretted it because he rolled over the edge right on top of me with no warning. "Oof not what I meant you giant."

"You should have been more clear."

"Yeah well whatever. Get in here." I said holding up a side of the blanket for him to settle into. He was still completely laying on top of me but I liked it and he knew that.

"Have you been in your pajamas all day?"

"Yes.." I said quietly. I always got a little bit self conscious when he would call me out on that kind of thing, it made me feel lazy.

"Hey don't get sad on me cutiepie."

"I'm sorry I'm lazy." I say hugging him to me tighter and hiding my face.

"(y/n) you're not lazy. This is your off day. You can do whatever you want. I've seen you go non-stop for days with no sleep, living off of pure determination. I could never think you're lazy."

"You go go go all day doing sporty stuff even on your off days and I can't even get out of pajamas on mine."

"That is A-okay baby. You're cute in your little jammies. I love you."

"I love you too." we cuddled in silence for a while. I was drawing patterns on his back with my nails to help him relax after a day of media interviews. He hated them and always needed help relaxing when he got home.

"Hey I have an interview with Sharp Magazine that came out today, do you wanna watch it?" he asked after a while.

"Yeah sure!" he moved from on top of me to my side while I got my laptop and searched up what he told me to. "Aww look at you!"

"Noo just watch the interview." he said blushing.

"You look so cuuute!" he hides his face in my neck as I giggle at him. 30 seconds into the interview though I die of laughter causing Auston to look at you like you had two heads. "What the fuck is up with your lav?"

"What?" he asked confused.

"Your lav." I said pointing to his microphone. "What the hell is that?"

"What do you mean?"

"It shouldn't be like that!"

"Babe calm down."

"No they did it completely wrong! Look at where they put it! If you move at all their audio is useless! You don't ever put it on a sweater string like that what were they thinking? Uugh just thinking about listening to that original audio hurts my soul." I pushed play again and watched it huffing everytime they showed the two of them. "Wait a second."

"Oh god what now?" he asked smiling at me rolling his eyes as I put the video back a little bit.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" I scream laughing pointing to Riemsdyk.

"What's wrong with that one?"

"What isn't wrong with that one?" I ask still laughing really hard trying to catch my breath. "The wire is twisted and hanging backwards off of him! That mic is gonna last them less than a year the way that they're using it."

"Come on it can't be that bad, these are professionals."

"Pfffffffft this is horrendous. Absolute garbage!" I yell throwing my head back laughing again.



"Okay bu-"



"Worst lav placement I've ever seen."

"Poor little film student. Are you gonna be okay?" he asked smirking at me.

"I'm gonna leave a comment." that made him burst out into laughter.

"You can't be serious."

"I am. 'The lav placement is hurting my soul. Who did that? Don't do that.' Send. Fuck you sharp magazine."

"Ashley oh my god." Auston is crying of laughter at this point. "You're fucking ridiculous you know that?"


"Cutiepie." he gave me a kiss. I broke it to go on my phone and started typing out a message. "Who ya texting?"

"Brianna. This shit is fucking ridiculous. She needs to see it immediately. And Nicole. I'm about to ruin Nicole's life with this one."

"My god.. film students are fucked."

"You sure are right." I say laughing.

"You guys actually stress me out."

"We stress ourselves out to be honest. We're ridiculous." I say still looking at my phone.

"You are." he says taking my phone from me and grabbing my face in his large hands. "Lucky for you though I love you anyway."

"I love you too." I say giggling as he closes the distance between us and gives me a sweet kiss. We stay snuggled up in our little living room nest the rest of the day, eating various snacks and watching your favourite shows on Netflix.

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