He looked up at her worried, "Babe, what's wrong?"

"I don't know." She shook her head.

"Yes you do, now tell me what's bothering you so I can help you." Sean said reassuringly.

"It's just that, I'm so scared, Sean, I don't think I can do this, I'm not strong enough." Kaycee said as tears flooded down her cheeks.

"Hey, look at me," he said lifting her chin up, "don't you ever say you aren't strong enough because you are. You can do this, don't be scared, ok? You are gonna rock this." He said, his last comment making her laugh a little.

"Plus, you've got a great support team, and you can break my hand as many times as you need to." He smiled, she giggled.

Suddenly, the door burst open as Devon had leaned on it a bit too much.

"Were you guys eavesdropping?" Kaycee asked.

"Well, yeah, but, we didn't mean to. We just didn't want to interrupt your conversation." Brad said defending himself and his son.

"Where are Mom and Kylie?" She asked. 

"We're here!" Laura said as she entered the door to her daughter's room with Kylie.

"Well, I'm gonna go start the car." Devon said, "And Kayc, you are definitely strong enough." He smiled at his baby sister, who was about to have a baby of her own.


Kylie was left alone at the house, as the rest of her family had left for the hospital. She was kind of upset, but somebody had to take care of the dogs. Plus, she knew she couldn't handle looking at blood.

After a while of doing nothing for two hours, she decided to call Devon, to see how things were going.

"Hey, bro, what's going on over there?" She asked.

"I actually don't know yet, Ky, visiting hours don't start for another 30 mins."

"Ok, um, have you guys told any of Sean's family yet?"

"Oh shoot, no we haven't." Devon said.

"That's alright, I can do it if you want, I've got nothing to do anyways." She said as she rolled her eyes.

She heard mumbling on the other line which she assumed was Devon asking if Kylie could tell the Lews.

"Yeah ok, you can tell them, Sean said he forgot to do it."

"Ok. Wait. Sean's there with you right now?" She asked.


"Give him the phone, I wanna ask him something."


Devon handed Sean his phone.

"Hello?" Sean asked.

"Sean Lew! How's my sister!? How much has she dilated!? Is she screaming at people? Is she calm unlike me right now!?" Kylie said in a rush.

"Thanks for the greeting Ky. She's doing ok for now. She's 5 centimeters dilated. She has yelled at me two times because I accidentally changed the music that was playing. And yes, I think anybody could be considered calm if you're screaming at the phone like this right now." Sean ended his update for Kylie laughing a bit at how paranoid she was. Devon laughed along, wondering what his sister was asking, and imagining how loud she was being right now.

"Ok, well, thanks. Keep me updated. I'll text Serris to let your family know you guys are at the hospital. Goodbye." Kylie said, she waited for Sean to say bye aswell before hanging up.

"It's seven thirty, why would they be awake this early on a Saturday?" Kylie asked herself.

She shrugged and texted Serris anyways.


Serris got the text two hours later, and started jumping up and down in her room while squealing.

"What's up with you?" Miya asked, laughing as she went by her daughter's room.

"Mom, Kaycee's in labor!" She exclaimed.

Miya's jaw dropped to the floor before jumping up and down with Serris.

Soon, the whole house knew, and they couldn't be happier.

"So that's why Sean didn't answer my good morning text." Cheuk said to himself.

"We're gonna have a nephew to spoil soon!" Sarah exclaimed.

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