(Not) Thinking Rationally

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I slapped him twice when I found out. The first one out of anger, the second one because the first only left me feeling emptier than I did before. My friends did their best to get my mind off him, and failed miserably, because in the end, we still went to the same school. I would still see him in the hallways. I would still see him with other girls. I would still see him moving on. And every time I saw him, I'd remember, and I'd get either angry or sad. Usually the latter. This lasted for almost a month, until I realized that I couldn't spend my entire senior year moping over some guy.

I walked into school on the first day of second semester with one goal, and one goal only.

Get this shit over with.

And that's exactly what I did.

Now here I am, almost two years later, with the same man who caused me so many problems.

"I'm not," he shook his head, "I was a selfish, insensitive twat and you deserved better. I mean, look at you," he breathed, and I gave him a fleeting smile, not liking where this conversation was going.

"Nevertheless, Alexandria, the fact is that we're both here again. In the same place, at the same time. I was thinking maybe..." he hesitated, pausing as his eyes sparked with a new determination, and I opened my mouth to intervene, to stop him before he could say it.

"Can we give this another chance? It's been so long, but my feelings are still the same. I want to be better for you, Alexa. I miss what we had. I miss your company, and I'd do anything to get you back," he declared, eyes pleading with my own.

I paused. My heart no longer hammering in my chest, as I closed my eyes and shook my head, as though attempting to erase this entire moment.

"I accept your apology, Zac, and I see where your coming from, but you're practically two years late. If I knew this was what you wanted to tell me, I would've just texted you," I murmured quietly, my eyes narrowing as the determination in his eyes remained.

"Alexandria, come on, I know I can treat you better this time. Let me make this right," he stated, attempting to grab my hand, but I immediately pulled away.

"Zac," I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "there are two reasons why we're not doing this again," I told him, lifting up two fingers.

"One," I began, "because we really aren't right for each other. We never have been, and we never will be. I realize that now. Even while we were dating we fought so much, it was tiring. Our relationship was messy and sad. We're better off just being friends."

He only crossed his arm, eyes narrowing in slight frustration as he waited for me to continue with my explanation.

"Two," I inhaled deeply, eyes hesitant as I searched his own, "because I'm mated."

"You're what?" he bit out.

"I have a mate," I clarified, although I knew he had heard me.

"You found your mate?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I have."

"How?" he asked after a few moments, brows furrowed in disbelief.

"Well, it's a long story," I sighed, playing nervously with my fingers as I recounted the events.

I watched as he rubbed a hand over his face, hiding his look of irritation, "Wow, I'm such an idiot," he muttered to himself.

"That text was a mistake, forget it," he added, waving a hand as a heartbroken expression came over his face.

I was about to say something, to make him feel at least a little better about himself. I didn't care if he broke my heart, or if he dragged my life through the mud. It didn't matter anymore. I wasn't the kind of person to leave someone to drown in their misery and sadness, regardless of what they may have done to me.

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