Au revior Mei

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Everyone cheers as I tremble I finally see Juuzou properly.
He has bags under his eyes but his hair is white as snow.
He's tied down to a chair
I have to kill him..
"This is what happens when naughty children make friends and decide to escape! They lose the only thing they have left!", Mama's voice booms
Juuzou's eyes don't look frightened.
"Juuzou..", I whimper
He looks up and smiles
"Dying comes naturally anyway! Kill me and make Mama proud!".
My eyes fill with tears
I hardly know him but I feel like I have known him for years.
I reach for the knife and drag myself to him.
I lift the knife slowly
"Did you know our names rhyme? Mei and Rei?", Juuzou chuckles
I drop the knife and hug him.
"Juuzou! I can't do it".
He whispers
"Please.... For me?", he says
I look at his eyes
"B-but why?".
"Because I don't want you hurt.. Your my first friend... And only friend... And one last thing... How do you say goodbye Mei my friend in French??".
I fight back tears but they come pouring down.
After all he asks that?
"You don't need to know!", I say and pick up the knife again.
I lift it and strike down cutting through

Best friends with a physcopath- Juuzou Suzuya Fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now