Chapter 19: Ex wife

Start from the beginning

"Can I help you?"

"Oh yes! In case you're not aware snow white, I'm Mrs Bale... the only Mrs Bale. There is no other before me and there will be none after me. Oui oui?."

The emphasis on her name is clear.

"No one said you weren't."

"Imagine my surprise when I got pictures of you grinding your ass against my husband. It was Cuba, right? That smokey little intimate club? Before that Miami, our yacht? Your trips to his office. Nickolas moving big sums of money to your family? Paying bank debts he doesn't owe? Do you have anything to say for yourself Mrs Burke?"

"There is nothing between your husband and I." I immediately resorted to a lie. It is a big lie! Why am I lying? "I promise there is nothing going on between us. We were just talking."

"Just talking..." She scoffed. "How stupid do you think i am? My husband has never paid attention to any woman  until you came along. I don't know what hold you have on him but I'm warning you to stay away."

"I'm not sure what you're thinking but I'm not pursuing your husband." I assured the woman. I was certainly convincing myself of a non existent reality. I have every intention of entertaining Nick's advances. I like them.

"Don't make me come after you Keira. Don't give me a reason." She warned me.

I stood there at my door dumbfounded by the sudden confrontation. There is something dark and scary about the woman. I don't like her.

As soon as her chauffeur got the back door of her car, she pointed two fingers at me in the shape of a gun and flicked her thumb. The shooting gesture unsettled me. 

In my daze of fear, I failed to notice Lorraine standing beside me. When she touched me I almost jumped.

"It's just me, calm down. Who was that?" She asked.

"Come in and I'll tell you.

She stepped inside my house and I realized how shaken Margaux has left me feeling. Even when I served Lorraine a hot cup of tea my hand shook uncontrollably.

"Whoa! Keira! What's going on?" She steadied the left hand that is already useless.

"I want to tell you something but please don't judge me." I spoke sitting down beside her.  "I chose Nick. I want Nick."

Lorraine's already pale face got paler. "Nick, huh?"


"Why Nick?"

"Jason will probably kill me some day. You said Mr Perfect is dangerous for not having flaws. Nick is very unapologetic about his nature. No pretences. I like how I feel when I'm with him."

"How do you feel?"

"Safe. Almost invincible. I feel cared for."

"Aha... Okay. If you say so." She shrugged. I can tell she's not in favor.

"Why is it that it seems you have a lot to say about him? Do you know him?"

"I have never met him. I don't know them. I only know what is online. Do you realize hat woman is his wife?"

"Yes. She was here to ask me to stay away from him."

"I regret encouraging you to go to Miami. I honestly thought it was a weekend fling that would pass but it seems he's taking you seriously."

"He is."

"I don't doubt he's a great catch but the woman has a point. He's married and you should stay away until he's divorced. I am guessing Jason is yet to catch on."

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #4: THE OTHER MAN PART 1Where stories live. Discover now