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{ ⚠️warning this chapter has heavy Dark content please read with caution, and if you're feeling any of these feelings call the suicide hotline, talk to someone you trust or you can pour out your feelings to me, I'm here for anyone and everyone remember that⚠️}

Rosé Pov

Christmas actually went pretty well for me it was the most fun I've ever had, taehyung was so out-going he kept making me laugh so much that day that my stomach was hurting and my cheeks were so red that it looked like he was making me blush. He made sure I stayed warm the entire night and keep asking about me throughout the day.

I can't let him get too close cause it'll really rub him the wrong way once he sees my mental breakdowns.

I smile slightly looking at the jacket on my couch then I grab it " I should give it back to him" I scrunch up my nose then I put it on my forearm as I grab my backpack and swing it on my shoulder.


I make it to school looking for taehyung then I run into the two bullies " Marcella & Penelope" stops me dead in my tracks I really don't have time for them.

"Excuse me I have to go" I whisper softly
"Who do you think you are being bold?" Penelope says feistily, I sigh softly then I try to push past them, Marcella pushes me up against the locker then looks down at my hands.

"That's taehyung's jacket? How the hell you get so close to him" she scoffs " yeah no fucking way, first you steal my boyfriend then you're trying to steal my crush now?, you're unbelievable!" She puns me against the lock really hard causing my skin to be pinched on the locker, I whimper in pain trying to push her off of me.

"Stop you're hurting me" I whimper
"And?" Penelope laughs " so how did someone like you get close to Taehyung? A popular guy mind you"

"Don't forget handsome as well" Marcella adds, Penelope shoves mw harder into the locker causing something to pierce in my skin and I feel warm liquid going down my arm.

"She got close to be by being a decent human" I look into the direction of the voice and see taehyung pulling their hands off me and he grabs my wrist pulling me toward him I look at my arm to see the blood draining down my arm. I try to cover it with my hand so taehyung doesn't go ape shit but he saw it before I could cover it.

"Let's go to the nurse" he comments
"Oh no it's okay , I'm okay"
"You're not okay rosé, please understand it's okay to feel pain , but it's also not okay to bottle it up , feeling the need to cry doesn't make you weak, it proves you're strong, now let's go to the nurses office " he grabs my wrist softly as we walk past them

"You'll get your karma" he comments.

We make it to the nurses office and she had stopped the bleeding and stitched me up, but around the wound was bruised and purple, it hurt so much that I couldn't lift my arm up , I had to hold ice on it. I told taehyung to go to his class but he insisted on staying with me as the nurse patched me up. She hands me a pain killer with a cup of water.

"It's enough to get you through the day okay? You're still going to feel pain, but not that much" she smiles
"Okay thank you" I reply , she leaves the room and taehyung stands up and grabs the cup of water out my hand " you want some?" I ask, he tilts my chin up with his index and thumb fingers. One placed on my chin and another under.

"Open" he comments I slightly open my mouth then he pours some water in my mouth I swallow it " put the pill on your tongue" I do as he says then he pours more water in my mouth as I swallow both the pill and the water together he pours the rest of the water out.

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