Optimus x Reader

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Look who's back,
Back again.
Optimus is here baby
Again, I told you that he was my
Favorite character
And I have a really good idea for this.
I am so excited.
Anywho, I hope you enjoy the leader!

You lived out in the country with your parents. You lived a great life so far, until your father died from a horrible disease. You felt so guilty after you heard the news. Before he died, you got into a fight with someone at school and went to your dad to see if he could do anything about it. He said that you should let it go because they are going to get karma up their ass sooner or later. You knew he meant well but still got angry since he wasn't going to do anything about it and yelled at him saying that you wished he wasn't your father. You then stormed out of the room and that very night, he was gone. Your mother couldn't handle it by herself and decided to move into a bigger town.

You had to leave all your friends and family that lived there. You didn't like the idea so much since you have heard rumors about giant shadow creatures that walked at night in that town. Shadow creature that take innocent people and are never seen again. One even said that they saw bright blue lights that resembled eyes.

You just shrugged it off thinking it was just something stupid a parent made up for their children, but you did make sure that you were cautious at all times just to make sure.

Since you lived out in the country, you didn't make many friends when you moved. They actually targeted you for a perfect punching bag. Most of the times you would come home with huge bruises and scratches.

You never fought back unless someone else was getting picked on. Your father had a saying he had always told you.

"A strong man stand up for himself, but a stronger man stands up for others."
(-Ben, from Barnyard.:])

You have always took that saying to heart and helped out anyone that needs help. You missed your father and wished you could see him again. You wished that you could tell him you were sorry and that you loved him, but that was never going to happen, you lost your chance.

Right now, you were laying in bed. You have been having trouble sleeping since the death of your beloved father. Everytime you went to sleep, you would have terrible nightmares about him. So, you just decided to not sleep, developing insomnia.

You did a tired sigh as you rolled to your back and starred as the wonderful ceiling. Thoughts ran through your mind and not just about your father, but also about the night creatures.

You knew very well that they had to be some nonsense of a story. Someone just decided to believe the stupid thing and started telling other people about it. But, what if it was real?

You did a slight growl as you sat up from your bed and put your head into your hands. "Now I'm never getting to sleep. Thanks a lot stupid brain." You said harshly as you let your hands slide down your face.

All these stupid thought are the main reason why you don't sleep as well as nightmares. So, what you do most of the night is talk to yourself. Nothing ever interesting happens in this town which you hated.

Out in the country when you couldn't sleep, you would get your shoes on and take a walk in the woods to get your mind off of things. Now if you took a walk, you would just be walking in town not being able to see the stars because of all the lights.

You did another sigh as you pushed the covers off of you and stood up out of bed. Since it was summer, you were wearing a tank top and some sleep pants to bed. Not the best, but it works.

You went to your desk to grab a chair. You grabbed the chair and stopped as you looked at the clock. There in bright red numbers flashed 2:00 am. Shaking your head slightly in dissapointment, you ignored the clock and pulled the chair towards the window.

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