Chapter 18 (Unlocked)

Start from the beginning

Coach Jamison began to mutter, and mumble, and babble but Kate wasn’t even hearing it. Once Coach Jamison saw it was helpless, she dragged her feet as she headed for the door.

“Kate” I said.

“Jo, I couldn’t do it anymore” Kate said.

“I’m sorry. Are you alright? Do you really want it to be over?” I asked.

“Jo, what else could I do? She wasn’t listening to me. You saw how she walked away. Enough of anything is enough Jo, and I couldn’t go another day” Kate said.

I sighed, and just like that it was over.

“I understand, so you’re gonna be ok” I asked.

“I’ll do the best I can” Kate said.

“That’s all I can ask. I’m so sorry Kate, maybe she’ll come around later” I said.

“Maybe, if not, I’ll live” Kate said. By the look on Kate’s face, you could tell she was serious. But when I looked in her eyes, I could tell she was distraught. Her blue eyes were saddened, and dispirited.

“I’m so sorry Kate” I said giving her a big hug.

“It’s not your fault Jo, thanks anyway. You better go now” Kate said patting my back.

“Yeah, I guess so” I said.

“Even though it’s over right now for me and Kelly. Jo, I’m still here for you, if you ever need anything” Kate said.

“Same to you Kate, thanks” I said. Kate hugged me again, and I finally left. Coach Jamison was having a fit in the truck. When I approached she was repeatedly punching, and slapping her steering wheel.

“Crap!!” Coach Jamison shouted angrily. I got in the truck, and slammed my door loudly to let my presence be known.

Coach Jamison looked at me, then back at the wheel.

There was silence for a few minutes. Coach Jamison constantly muttered stuff angrily to herself. Then she pulled off angrily, without saying a single word to me. On our way home Coach Jamison stopped at a liquor store. She got out without a word. Came out the liquor store, with a black plastic bag, and a brown paper bag. She sat the bags down beside my feet, and drove home without a word. When we got home, she went straight to the kitchen, and got a glass, and put some ice cubes in it. She sat down on the couch, and began to drink. I went up to my room, and shut the door. Coach Jamison played the saddest heartbroken love songs I ever heard. And she played them all night long. She drank till she was maudlin. She cried Kate’s name all night long.

“Oh Kate! What have I done?” Coach Jamison cried out loudly. I soon fell asleep, and about three in the morning, I was awaken, by a CD skipping. I rubbed my eyes, and dragged myself downstairs. Coach Jamison was passed out drunk, on the floor sound asleep with a bottle of whiskey gripped tightly in her hand. I sighed, just when I thought it was safe. Back to the black, I guess. I dragged Coach Jamison on the couch. Put her head on a pillow, and a blanket over her. This brought back the memories of all the times, Harold got drunk, and I had to drag his company to my room. Somewhere I thought I left behind for good, was coming back to hunt me now. I cut the CD off, and went to bed. At school, the next day, Coach Jamison, was groggy and hung over.

She apologized to me a thousand times. She told me she was just so hurt by Kate, she didn’t know what else to do. She said she’d never do it again. I forgave her, and let it go. But Coach Jamison lied to me, and I was crushed. She came home every night, got drunk, and passed out. Every night I would have to drag her to the couch, or help her to her room. Every night she would play sad music, and cry Kate’s name. Every single night. It was the same thing, over and over again. She’d get drunk, pass out, and she was starting to disgust me. I left one broken home, just to get transferred to another. I trusted Coach Jamison, and she destroyed my trust. But after while I got use to her drinking, I just learn to live with it. At least she wasn’t beating me or nothing like that. So I was at school, I was painting a banner for a fundraiser sponsored by the cheerleaders. It was a fundraiser to help poor, homeless families find homes. I was painting the banner on the gym floor.

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