6 - Ghostin

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Madeline and Harry were trying not to get noticed, but it was really hard when a prisoner and a red head are trying to escape.
"Why are you helping me?" Asked Harry.
"Come here! Because - because I know what they do to people. Wait...Come on!"
"What they - can you please try to walk slower-"
"No! We are too close! Yes! Get in"
Madeline was breathing hard and she was closing the door, as Harry -
"Don't put your ass on my bed! Put it on Zara's bed!" Shouted Madeline.
"Wait I know this room... No, no, no, no! You know a girl named Chloe? Blonde, uh tall? She has green eyes"
"Oh so you're the guy Chloe dumbed?" Asked Madeline causally.
"More like we took a break"
"More like she's engaged"
"I'm sorry what?"
"Yes, she was my roommate, but she quited the mission 2 weeks ago. Zara is now my roommate! I can't lie she's so much better than Chloe!" Said Madeline while searching for some old files.
"What are you doing?" Asked Harry.
"I'm searching for some old files. My files when I came here. Shit!" said Madeline as the room looked really messy now, with clothes and shoes everywhere.
"What do they do to people?" asked Harry as he followed Madeline who was still searching for the files, but moved so fast that no human eye could move its eye so fast.
"A bunch of tests, because they think your immune and if your immune... Oh well hope your not!" Laughed Madeline.
"Does this have to do with-"
"Oh no Zara is coming! Get under the bed! Move HARRY!" Said Madeline.
"Oh my god! I can't stop la-lau-laughing! HAHAHA" Zara laughed so hard that she fell down the floor and was now crying. "Oh my god".
"Are you okay Z?"
"You mean-"
Madeline gave Zara a glass of water and a pink pill. Zara stopped laughing, but she was still smiling.
"What?" Asked Madeline.
"I'm sorry for thinking your weird" Said Zara.
"Zara, are you okay? Are you sick?"
"No, I'm fine... I just...I'm sorry"
Madeline was confused and she gave Zara her 'are you okay?' look.
"Practice" Said Zara smiling. "You know this kind of dust is my weakness and Camila decided to win the 'training' today so Mrs Clairfayr was 'DUST MILA!' and oh well I've lost. Like al-. Madeline... Did you bring the strange guy here? The one doctor Hadid gave us?"
Madeline got a guilty look on her face and her eyes we're yellow as Zara rised a brow. Madeline's eyes we're wet and she pointed to her bed. Harry went up from the ground.
"Never thought your this smart Mads"
"What?" Asked Madeline.
"We can torture him to tell us where is Taylor!"
Madeline didn't gave Zara one of her smart replays. She felt to guilty so she decided to lie on the ground as she looked at Harry with her yellow wet eyes and after a while she said: "I'm sorry".
Zara looked at both Madeline and Harry and then she said "I can't deal with you too. You're both so cute, like two puppies oh my god!


As long as Zara and Madeline were thinking were to hide Harry, Perrie arrived in front of a house.
"Thank you, Marcus!"
Marcus smiled and Perrie got close to the house. Before she could knock to the door she could feel a could sharp pain in her leg and blood gushed out. Perrie feel to the ground before she could knock to the door. She looked back, but Marcus wasn't there anymore.
"Help! Please" Shuted Perrie, but none could hear her and she was slowly dying.
"Miss, are you okay? Oh my god poor child! I'm going to call-" Said an old friendly lady, who got a shocked expression on her face.
"No... Please", said Perrie breathing heavily. " Knock to the door... "


"So -" Started Zendaya.
"Bebe you open the door!" Said Taylor.
"Because if it's the police or a crazy doctor, they won't arrest such a pretty face as yours" Said Rita whlie eating her hamburger...
"Fine" Said Bebe as she jumped up from the sofa.
Bebe walked to the door nervous as she gave the girls millions of looks, like 'what if I die?' etc... Bebe put her hand on the knob and opened the door.
"Oh my god!"
The old lady and Bebe helped Perrie to get up and to get her in the house.
"Thank you Mrs Andrews" Said Bebe
"It's okay honey!" Smiled the old lady as she leaved.
Bebe and the girls helped Perrie to get to the couch. Rita and Selena tried to help Perrie with the wound.
"What happened?" Asked Taylor shocked.
"Zayn... Ah! Careful Rita!" Said Perrie.
"Sorry Pez... "
"What I'm going to kill him!" Screamed Taylor.
"No... Ah... He helped... Me... And -"
"Leave Perrie alone! Don't you see she needs rest?" Said Bebe as she came from the kitchen with a glass of water and a pill.
"Who's the old lady?" Asked Taylor.
"She used to be a spy. Now she helps us with the garden and I use to go at her every Saturday morning... I mean we" Said Zendaya.


"Daddy, I didn't mean to-"
"But Zayn helped her... "
"Stop blaming that boy for everything!Screamed Gigi's father.
"Mrs Brown could you please show my daughter her new room... "
"Actually I can."
Mrs Brown went with Gigi in a very dark room that looked like a basement and it only got a bed.
"Stay calm you're only going to sleep here" Said Mrs brown as she dragged Gigi in the room.
After Mrs brown locked the  door Gigi roared angrily and started to push herself into the door. She transformed herself into a snak,  but it helped her with nothing. The room locked like the ones doctors use for locking mad people. Later Gigi calmed herself and went to sleep.

Hey guys uwu it's weekend again!
Sorry for the short capitol, I just have some issues with my WiFi and I wanted to post something so yea.  Again make sure you check my friend's Wattpad story amm1304 and don't forget to follow her as well.
See you next Friday!
Love you and happy valentines day! ❤❤❤❤
And thank you so much for 100 readers!

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