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Jeongguk wanted to leave the castle with Taehyung, but he was too self-conscious to do so, afraid Jimin would be scared when he'll see him. So, he gave Taehyung what he came for, and told him to bring Jimin because he'll call his personal family doctor to look after him.

Before the sun shined through the lonely castle, Jimin was inside, and the doctor was examining his state. He came with the conclusion that it really was the plague, and that he doubted it to be so he took the cure with him, something they figured out in America or whatever, Jeongguk couldn't care less, but the emphasis was on the fact that it was expensive.

Jeongguk's last worry was that of money, so he told him to just save Jimin no matter what. They were lucky Jimin was sick for less than a week, or the medicine would've not worked. And they were aware that Jimin would've not been strong enough to fight the illness alone, especially with his malnutrition, the cold weather and storms, and all the rest of poor conditions he was living under.

‘You know that I can’t
Show you me
Give you me
I can’t show you a ruined part of myself’

After around five days, Jimin's fever subsided, and he was finally conscious enough to recognize that he wasn't in his family's shack anymore. Taehyung wasn't there anymore, and when he looked around, there was only a man sleeping on a chair next to his bed.

Jimin raised his eyebrow at this, so he was in someone else's house, a noble obviously judging from how expensive the furniture looked. But whoever he was, he gave him his bed and slept on the chair next to him. Jimin felt heart-warmed.

Jimin found it hard to move but he tried nevertheless, sat on the bed and looked at the stranger up close. It was weird that he was wearing a mask still, and he shortly wondered if there was a ball party the night before. Jimin didn't think much before he took the stranger's mask off, thinking the man just forgot to take it off, and then.. He was shocked.

The man was of excruciating beauty it hurt, so breathtaking that his heart skipped a couple of beats inside his chest before it almost jumped out of his ribcage. Jimin couldn't help but release an ‘ah’ sound of appreciation and stare with a slightly ajar mouth.

The stranger’s eyes caught his sigh first, sharp with long eyelashes that softly caressed his roses tainted cheeks, and even when closed he still could see how stunning they are if they open. His nose was a bit prominent but it added shape to his face, made him lost in the slight curve as if it was a painting.

Jeongguk's lips were plump and luscious, the lower lip fuller, and his heavenly brown locks that fell ethereally on his forehead, made him think he was seeing an actual surreal angel. The sight made Jimin's breaths hitch in his throat. Jimin didn't even know who the man was but he felt a numinous attraction, for he never saw anyone that heartbreakingly beautiful before.

Jimin slid the mask back in its place. If anything, the man helped him and he didn't want to risk making him mad with him. He remembered feeling so sick that he passed out, he also didn't remember how much time it passed for he was in a daze but whatever it was, he felt better, and something inside him told him the beautiful man had something to do with it.

Jeongguk must have felt the movement for he lazily opened his eyes. Jimin stared at the beautifully shaped doe eyes of the stranger, brown and deep and seemed to hold entire galaxies. It was fascinating and even if Jimin couldn't see most of his face, he was aware of how beautiful what was underneath, soft skin and big features, just like a doll.

Jimin resisted the urge to bite or lick his lips when the man sat properly, his sharp jawline and collarbones on display. Jimin found it hard to take his eyes off the masked stranger, who looked back at him with sleepy eyes.

Jeongguk realized Jimin was intensely staring at him and when he looked back, he didn't know how to exactly read his expression. Was he creeped out? If anything, he looked rather stunned. Jeongguk brought it back to the fact that Jimin didn't know him, neither did he recognize the room so he maybe was confused.

Jeongguk wanted to speak but he felt his voice stuck inside his throat that only tightened as much as Jimin kept staring at him. Jeongguk was trying to figure out the reason, before he remembered the mask. Yeah, he though Jimin was definitely creeped out.

“Sir.. Um,” Jimin started and his voice was like honey, smooth and sweet. Jeongguk's ears were blessed. “I think you forgot to take off your ball mask. I thought of taking it off for you but-”

“Did you take it off?”

Jeongguk was spiraled down in Jimin's intoxicating existence until he muttered that he maybe was about to take off his mask. He didn't want Jimin to see him and run away.

Jeongguk never felt that he needed someone more than he felt that he needed Jimin to stay. He couldn't let him go. He was ugly and hated, he was aware of this fact but he could hide it. A mask was all it took. Unless he was so unlucky that Jimin had seen him already.

Jimin felt the defensiveness ingrained with the question. He didn't understand the reason but he knew the stranger thought it was so wrong if he touched his mask. And he couldn't say he did. He was afraid that he'll kick him out of his house or something. He wanted to thank him and he didn't want him to be mad with him. So he resorted to lying.

“N-no.. I didn't touch your mask sir.” Jimin muttered looking down, afraid the man could somehow see right through his lie. Luckily, the stranger didn't even doubt him. “..I just said you forgot to take it off.”

The stranger smiled at him, and Jimin was at the edge of swooning. He never saw a smile more beautiful, it was like rays of sunshine, shot happiness right through his heart, like a magic formula that held joy and ecstasy, a very captivating smile Jimin would sell his soul just to see again. And he couldn't help but smile back.

“Will you stay in my castle until you're totally cured?” Jeongguk asked with an enchanting tone, hoping Jimin wouldn't disagree with him but not seeing how fond the smile on Jimin's face was. Jimin could hear the world singing in his lullaby voice, Jimin could see the stars and the moon and it felt as if time had stopped moving, he felt that he could hear him forever and he'd never get tired of it.

“I'll take good care of you.”


𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠 ~ 𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now