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Jon's POV

I have been busy for the work for a directory, and of course, I can't stop thinking about Dodie.. knowing that she has now a boyfriend, I have a crush on her since Middle school but now I'm too late.

" Yow Jon!! " I heard my friend Elise with me as she approached.

" Hey, sorry I didn't come yesterday... " I said as I yawn.

"Nope don't apologize to me, and also dude you are messed up as fuck you should look at yourself in the mirror... " She said with worry eyes.

" I'm trying to catch myself up but hey I need to make myself better in front of her., " I said and let out a big sigh.

" Just tell me if you wanna break... " She said as we both go to the room.

Most of the time is lectures and tutorials for a directory, but I kept thinking of Dodie and her boyfriend. Until I didn't recognize that the bell rang, I look at the window as the moon shines in the night sky.

" You know we are going to the audio room, Jon..? " Elise said as she touches my shoulder.

"R-Right sorry, I was distracted... " I said as I go along with my one and only trusted friend.

While we started walking in the hallways I started to feel something in my stomach, makes me wanna puke right now. I fall on the ground holding my stomach, I could hear Elise helping me but blurry visions overtake me. I puke a lot on the hallways and started to weaken my body until everything is black.


I opened my eyes and looked around I am in the nurse's office with my friend Elise waiting beside reading some book. I cough and try to move but I saw her stopped me from doing.

" You need to stay down and rest, you're still weak and.. I cannot allow you to go around the campus right now. " She said as she gave me the worried and sadness in her eyes.

" Elise I am fine, I need to just take some medicine and eat healthily. I'm just being really careless of myself lately and- " I said as I tried again to get out of the bed but she stopped me again but this time very unusual way she has gloves.

" No, you stay here Cozart not until I say... " She said and put a mask on her.

" WHAT is happening? I'm just feeling dizzy and all that, and why do you have to wear some mask or gloves on you I do not have some ebola or something.. " I said as she looked more and more.. sad.

" Jon, the teachers, and the principal is doing their best for you situation right now and they wanted me to stay with you as they looking for the cure- " She said as I began more confused.

" What are you saying?! What cure?! I just have some headache or stomach! " I almost yelled at her but she didn't speak or even look at me, " What is happening... Is there something wrong with me..? "

She looked at me, as she approached the mirror at the side of the bed and aim it to me reflecting, I looked at the mirror as I was confused and shocked.

Flowers with different types and colors, blue blood dripping in my mouth going down my neck and ears growing some stem making me look like deer but different...

What is this thing in my mouth..?!


Hanahaki Disease (Jon Cozart x Thomas Sanders)Where stories live. Discover now