Confessions and Concessions

Start from the beginning

"Please do." she said with a strong look at Ye Hua who thought to interrupt only to merely nod his head instead.

"Prince A Li arrived on my doorstep scared witless, in tears, soaked through and unsure of what was happening within the Palace having been left alone without a word or even his maid whom he seems to love dearly. " she said in the same soft tone she had used on A Li.  

Listening as she berated both parents in the most gentlest way possible, The Empress couldn't help but regret that she was not with them that morning.  Her voice of reason and vast years of knowledge and experience, instantly had both parents moving a little closer to listen.

"Your son is very confused by what is taking place around him,  and after his talk with me, it seems as if none has yet to really explain what is happening and why changes are occurring.  I have advised him to speak with you both in the same way that he spoke with me.  So for his sake, please do not anger with him, he is merely trying to find understanding which he so far has not found." she said finishing it and taking a step back.

As far as she was concerned she had stayed long enough, and having satisfied herself that the child was indeed who he said was while also satisfied that he was now in good hands, she did not linger to await a response, they needed to get the boy inside.

Not stopping her, both Ye Hua and Bai Qian along with the Empress, bowed low as she then left them to return home and no sooner was she a mere dot in the sky, then The Empress turned her attention to Bai Qian.

"Well, I can see that you two need to talk.  I suggest to you take it to your chamber,  The Peach Tree Woods is not safe for you Ye Hua and the Celestial Heavens is not safe for you Bai Qian." she said softly before moving aside to let them both into the den.

Only Ye Hua was not in agreement.

"No.  We return to the Palace.  I have a funeral to arrange and A Li must return with me.  I want you come back with me Qian Qian.  We need to talk to him together in a place that he is familiar with." Ye Hua insisted with his hand out towards her.

Thinking he was wanting his son, she gently release him into his fathers arms before taking a step back.

"I realize that you have a funeral to attend to, but I have no intention of stepping foot in the Celestial Heavens again." she said softly but firmly and she meant it.  She knew what he was trying to do, and a month or so ago, she would have caved and just followed him, but not this time. 

Looking at the stubborn line of her lips, Ye took the step forward to close the gap while her mother left them not wanting to be outside any longer than she had, but one look at Ye Hua, and he knew that she would intervene should their talk get out of hand.

He noted the look and nodded, but  Mo Yuans words were still ringing in his ears, and he knew if he was to win her back, this might be the only chance he would get.

"Your place is with us Qian Qian. You are A Lis mother.  I am his father.  Therefore we are a family.  Don't split us up please.  Come home, I want you to come home.  You left us once before, please don't do it again.  We need you." he whispered softly.  Every ounce of his love and affection were in his eyes for her to see.  He literally threw his entire heart at her then so she had no choice but to see the damage that her leaving would do to him and A Li.

Incredulously she looked back him as if he had spoken in jest.  

"You dare to blame me for leaving the first time Ye Hua?  After everything that has been said and done, you still don't understand?" she asked glaring at him in anger.  "I will always be his mother, that will never change and now that I am aware that he really is my son, I insist on shared custody, which we can work at a later date.  But I will not be accompanying you to the Celestial Heavens.  Not after Qing Qiu took the life of your Grandfather, I will not make it out of there and you know it." she said before taking a deep breath.

The Last Disciple - Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now