I am My Fathers Son

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Night was falling by the time they reached the apartment complexes which were now buzzing with noise and activity as workers returned home and children played uninhibited among the rubble and debris that many had dragged in from a nearby construct...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Night was falling by the time they reached the apartment complexes which were now buzzing with noise and activity as workers returned home and children played uninhibited among the rubble and debris that many had dragged in from a nearby construction site, though one quick glance at the happy faces that were running in all directions, she could see that A Li was not among them.

"Which one is his?" Zhe Yan asked with a flick of his head towards the multi storied buildings that resembled a ramshackle of both the working class and the poor.  Laundry flapped in a light breeze from the balconies while the assault of spices and herbs hit them the moment she stepped out from the car.

"That one." she pointed towards the furthest block of apartments and to Mo Yuan and Zhe Yans observations, it seemed to be inhabited by much poorer tenants as apposed to its neighbours.  Cracked paint, bordered windows and grafiti was what one noticed first followed by the strong scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke coming from the building the closer they got to it.  

"I will wait here." Zhe Yan said as they neared the entrance which led straight onto the open corridor of the first level of apartments while Mo Yuan slowly followed behind her while giving her the space she needed to do this on her own.  

Looking back at him, he smiled softly at her.  "I will wait out here, if you need me, just call." he said softly which she nodded her head at.

Thankful for his presence, but not wanting him to enter with her seeing as her memories of Mo Yuan and A Li were almost returned to her, she made her way to the second to last door, before knocking lightly on the splittered wood.

It took some time before footsteps could be heard, and no sooner was a gap created, she immediately pushed the door inwards and herself along with it.

The apartment was exactly as she imagined it to be.  Sparcely furnished, the interior smelt damp and the cracked paint, broken cupboard doors, leaking roof and mold on the walls suggested that this apartment was possibly illegal under health and safety standards.

"What the...." the soft voice she remembered from last time cried out as she not only forced her way inside, but she then slammed the door shut behind her before moving towards the main living area where a television could be heard.

"A Li......." she called out loudly as she entered the main room only to find it empty.

"Get the hell out of my house!" his Mortal mother yelled as she took hold of her arm and yanked her back the moment she entered the hallway.

"Not without my son!" she snapped and though she adamant that she was going to take him wih or without A Lis permission, she really had to hold herself back from retaliating against this woman whos face was enraged with anger.

"DAI...." she screamed out.  "Lock your door." 

Only the sudden flash of a shadow moving below a closed door she was nearing soon had her throwing it wide.

The Last Disciple - Book 1 and 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang