"I never thought I'd get another chance to see you, not after you ran from me and North last Friday." Silas said softly. The deep baritone of his voice shook me and I gripped my hands together as Ms. Allen passed around a paper.

When it came to our lonely table, I took two with a thanks and handed one to Silas. He thanked me quietly as I stayed quiet, unsure what to say. What did I say? 'I'm sorry I'm such an awkward weirdo who can't string together a concrete sentence or have normal conversations without having a panic attack?'

Inwardly, I winced. No, that would be the worst thing to say.

Just as I went to take out my pencil case, Silas placed a hand over one of mine, halting my movements. His big palm covered my shaking hands and I found they were so warm, like the sun. I shivered, looking up at him through my too-big glasses.

"I just wanted to apologize for Sunday night. North and I, we must've scared you and for that, I'm sorry." He told me quietly, dipping his head towards me as he gave my hand a light squeeze. "I'd like to be friends, if that's possible."

The inviting warmth of Silas hands sent a shiver up my spine and I swallowed nervously, forgetting Danielle, Ms. Allen and the other students for the time being. The earnest look in his eyes surprised me, but there was a small, doubtful voice at the back of my head that brought me back to earth.

I took my hand away, avoiding his gaze and the intense look on his face as he stared imploringly at me. "W-we should get started, Ms. Allen doesn't like slackers." Was all I said as I got off the stool and followed the other students to the prep tables.

"Coats, hats and aprons are assigned. I'd like to get your names printed on them by the end of term if you pass the class. Be aware it is your responsibility to wash and keep them in pristine condition." Ms. Allen said as she had us form a line. There were two big boxes on a prep table near the back storage and a clipboard in her hands.

Silas and I stood in the middle, with Lucy and Danielle at the very end. I could feel her cold stare from here and it made me anxious. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt and adjusted my glasses every few seconds as a distraction. It seems Silas and I fell into an awkward silence but with Danielle watching my every move, I wasn't sure how to act. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea about me but on the other hand, I still wasn't sure why he was even speaking to me at all.

Guys like Silas didn't talk to girls like me. And it was just....strange.

"Do you enjoy cooking?" Silas asked me suddenly. I had to tilt my head back to look at him, since he was so tall. He was nearly two or three heads taller than me and the size difference never failed to amaze me.

I shifted awkwardly, angling my body so it wasn't turned to Silas just in case Danielle caught our interaction. "I-I do, it's the one thing I'm really good at." I told him, my gaze going to the floor and anywhere but at Silas.

"I'm not a very good cook, but I guess if I have you to help me out, I think I'll be okay." He told me in reply and my eyes shot to his in surprise. His accent seemed thicker with certain words but the way the corner of his lips titled up into a half-smile, a genuine one, sent a thrill of happiness through me.

I looked down at my feet, sure my face was growing hot again as a strange flutter filled me. As we got up to the front, Danielle's cool gaze caught my eye and the dopey smile on my face fell in an instant. I really hoped she didn't see or hear our minuscule interaction.

Home Economics passed in companionable silence. My attention warred between watching Danielle and keeping Silas at a distance; I was on constant alert and anxious through the whole period. Silas could tell something was bothering me, I could see it in the way he stared at me and glanced at Danielle, a permanent frown forming.

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