Nightly Disaster

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Jade's end of summer bash had been the talk of the school. The big party of all parties, everyone said. It was certainly all Marie and Danielle seemed to talk about the week before summer let out. They'd been planning for this party for ages and, now that I was here, I didn't see what all the hype was about.

I hated high school parties. They always smelled like alcohol, drugs, and sex. And there was always that one person who stood at the edge of the party that never got asked to dance by the hot guy.

That was me. Ordinary, plain ol' Sang. I felt invisible ninety percent of the time and the other ten percent I was usually only noticed when someone needed an essay or term paper done at the last minute. But even then, I don't think anyone even really knew my name. Just, "that girl, the one with the dorky glasses and cartoon-themed sweaters".

One more year, Sang, I thought to myself as I scanned the room once again. I stuck out like a sore thumb with my Marvel sweater in a sea of short skirts and baggy pants. One more year and then you'll move far away from everyone and everything.

I really hoped Marie was almost done at this party because I just wanted to go at this point. It was obvious nothing of interest was going to happen other than who was going to win that beer pong game the football team was playing in the kitchen. And the party just kept getting bigger and bigger.

I sighed, ducking my head when I spotted an intimidating guy and his friend enter the parlor, bending their heads under the beam since they were both big in height and mass. Their tall frames and handsome features made them stand out from the crowd, easily catching the gaze of every girl in the room. At least, that's what I assumed what would happen if anyone had even been paying attention. Most were too busy grinding against the guy they were currently dancing with, but a few stopped and began approaching the two mysterious guys who were as different as night and day.

My eyes followed their movements and I stared at their beautiful forms as they crossed the dance floor and began approaching my direction. Me? I felt my heart speed up and my eyes widen as I ducked my head, adjusting my glasses as I waited for the inevitable.

But the impossible never happened and instead they moved off to the side of me, leaning against the wall next to some expensive vase with a plant I forgot the name of.  I felt my shoulders deflate in disappointment and a well of sadness seeped into my mind. But I also felt relieved. They were certainly handsome but I knew from the way Jade was eyeing the one with the gold hoop in one ear, that they were already off-limits and way out of my league.

Why did I ever think they'd approach me? Or even glance my way?

Silly, Sang. So silly.

I'd never be able to compete with Jade. Or any girl in this room, actually. And just like that, my fantasies came crashing down around me.

I shook my head. Back to people watching, it's safer.

There was a pop song that suddenly began playing and it was catchy enough that I felt myself tapping along to the beat, swinging my hips from side to side. The urge to dance began to surge and I suddenly wished I was in the comforts of my room instead of on the outskirts of a party I had absolutely no interest in.

My shoulders slumped and I held back a sigh as I saw movement from the corner of my eyes. I gulped, my spine rigid as I realized that Superman and Batman (as I so dubbed them in my head) were making their way over to where I was.

I suddenly felt nauseous, an overwhelming sense of anxiety welling up at the pit of my stomach. I mean, it wasn't everyday someone came up and talked to me – nobody noticed the girl behind her popular, older sister. And they're probably looking for Marie right now, it's the only explanation for it.

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