Meeting Kota

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A/N: This update almost didn't happen, as this past week was more depressing for me than usual. But thanks to some of your support, I managed to get my head on right (mostly) and get through my bout of depression with my writing. Thank you, whoever is reading this, for your continued support.


Shopping was always a quiet and very quick affair. I hated spending more than one hour in a store and I avoided crowds like they were the plague. Fortunately for me, the local grocery store wasn't busy today.

Ground beef, tomatoes, chopped green chilies, olives, onions, corn, beans and a packet of taco seasoning.

Great, I had everything I needed to make Taco soup. Checking the contents of my wagon once more, I stuffed my list I'd hastily done up and put it back into the back pocket of my jeans. When would someone make actual front pockets for female jeans?

Shaking my head, I pushed my cart towards the cold foods aisle, remembering Marie needed me to get her two cartons of orange juice and a bag of chips. Why she needed two cartons of orange juice, I'll never know. I wasn't one to prod or ask too many questions because the less I know, the better. And Marie was a right witch if she didn't get her way.

As I rounded the corner to the cold foods aisle, I spied something decidedly red out of my peripheral. My heart sped up, it was Nathan. Oh god, no.

I stopped my wagon in its tracks, panicking internally. His red hair was more noticeable under the black cap and dark blue jersey he sported. Though it was loose on his frame, his muscles were unmistakable. It almost looked like the chest area was a bit too tight. I swallowed hard, pushing my glasses back up my nose as I broke out into a cold sweat.

There was another guy with him who was a bit taller, with dark brown hair and a pair of dark green glasses perched on his nose. Unlike Nathan, his companion wore earthly tones, blue jeans and a dark green shirt that was fitted to his body. I recognized him immediately from the other night; he'd been with Nathan. They'd been driving in that green sedan and Miss Rose did mention a couple of them moved into that grey house. Did they all live together? I was curious, but too scared to ask lest I seem like a nosy busybody.

Just as I was about to turn around and just decide to forgo Marie's stupid orange juice, Nathan's head shifted and I froze as his eyes zeroed in on me. Maybe wearing a bright red Flash t-shirt wasn't such a good idea. His face broke out into the biggest smile I'd ever seen and I died a little on the inside.

"Sang! Hey!" he waved me over and his other companion turned to me with a curious look on his face.

Great, now I had to acknowledge Nathan and hope to every god up there he didn't bring up my disastrous first meeting with him yesterday. With much reluctance, I swallowed my nervousness and pushed my cart toward them where they stood near the milks and butter. I tried for a small wave and returned his smile but I think it came off more as a grimace. If Nathan or his friend noticed, they didn't say.

"Kota, this is Sang, the girl I was telling you about yesterday." Nathan said, placing a hand on Kota's shoulders. "Sang, this is Dakota. He's one of the friends I mentioned. Kind of an annoying mother hen but you get used to it."

I adjusted my glasses with shaky hands. Whelp. So there was every possibility Nathan did say something. There went that idea. Was it possible for one to die of embarrassment? The world may never know.

"Just Kota is fine and the only annoying one is this guy right here. Don't listen to a word he says, Sang." Kota smiled, a certain sweetness to his green eyes as he extended his hand towards me. Up close, I realized he looked distinctly Asian, if his almond eyes were any indication.

The WallflowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora