Week 7: Finally

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Day 41.

I finally filed enough complaints against Oliver to get him out. Now I have Karlee.

She's nice.

And she's married so I don't have to worry about her hitting on me.

Lukey moved his whole arm today too.

I cried I was so happy he's doing better.


Day 44.

Oh my god I can't even write coherent words! LUKEY WOKE UP! LUKEY WOKR UP! LUKEY WOKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!

I couldn't stop crying! The first word out of his mouth was my name and I screamed so loud the doctor on the next floor heard me.


After seven long painful weeks he's finally awake!!! I'm still crying!

He's finally awake!

I have my Lukey back! I have my baby, my love, my everything, my life! I have my life back!

He can't stand on his own yet though. He'll have to use crutches until he builds up his muscles again.



Day 45.

Luke and I barely slept last night. He wanted me to read to him. So I did.

I read from Demi Lovato's book Staying Strong.

He smiled the whole time.

I hadn't seen that smile is so long, I almost cried.

My baby is back.

My world isn't so dark anymore.


Day 47.

I didn't write yesterday, I was too excited to help Luke sit up and eat some real food. He wanted some toast and Vegemite. I fed him while nurse Karlee took out the IV.

He's finally getting better.


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