Week 6: Just Maybe

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Day 36.

Hospitals are so clean and creepy and they smell like chemicals. I hate staying here.

But. Mikayla said there's a good chance he'll come to soon.

I hope so.


Day 37.

Mikayla told me he moved his hand after I left yesterday.

He's doing really well.

I'm just scared he'll do well and then leave.

Like last time.

He told me he was better.

But then he did that.

Maybe I'm just stressing out from how much time I've spent in the hospital.

But maybe all this time here is worth it. Maybe he'll wake up if I stay more.

And maybe that stupid ass number will text again or call again so I can tell them what they did. And how they are responsible for it.


Day 38.

I hate hospitals. But I know it's worth it. I need to be here when he wakes up. I need to be the first person he sees when his eyes open.

I need to stay to make sure nobody who hates him comes to visit.


Day 39.

I can't sleep.

It's 3am and I haven't slept a wink in three days.

But it's okay.

Luke is breathing on his own now, and his wrists are all healed up.

Maybe he'll be just fine.

That number hasn't said anything, and nobody's come to visit. Maybe everything will be okay

-Ashton <3

Day 40.

Luke moved his hand again today. And there's a new nurse because Mikayla is on maternity leave.

The new guys name is Oliver.

I'm pretty sure he keeps hitting on me. No matter how many times I tell him the boy in the bed is my boyfriend he won't stop with the compliments and winking at me.

I want to leave but I can't.

Oliver creeps me out but it's worth it.


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