Not mada out of stone

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Woah, what'd you reckon they're doing here?" Ron asked, watching as Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy entered the Three Broomsticks, arm in arm. Harry shrugged, taking a sip from his butterbeer. "Probably just to spy on Malfoy...or worse, us." Ron sneered, looking away from the two as they got a table. Truth was, they didn't even notice the trio as they slipped into their booth. The only thing they did notice was the Three Broomsticks itself. It'd been ages since the two of them had been there, probably since highschool, and a little visit instantly brought back sweet memories for the pair. Hermione looked at her friends, rolling her eyes.

"They're on a date, you blithering idiots!" She hissed, running a hand through her honey colored hair. Their faces twisted in disgust.

"But they're like...old." Ron commented, sneaking a look at the pair. Hermione scoffed, covering her mouth quickly.

"Try more like forty." She said, picking up her glass.

"That's what I said." Ron shrugged.

"I'll be lucky if I even get close to looking like her when i'm her age." She added, looking over Narcissa's pale blonde hair and flawless face.

"Do you think it's possible that each other?" Harry asked, motioning to the couple.

"Well, they're not made of stone, Potter." An all to familiar voice sounded. Draco Malfoy sat himself down beside Harry, slightly sneering at him, slightly at his parents. The very thought of his parents even being anywhere near him during his school year made him shudder. It was his time, and his time only. He didn't want them intruding on that.

"Aren't scared Mummy and Daddy are going to see you, Malfoy? Talking to pack of Blood-Traitors?" Harry grimaced, looking Draco over distastefully. Draco rolled his eyes.

"They don't see nothing, Potter. The only thing they see is each other. It's worse at home, if you can believe it. I could be starving to death, and they wouldn't notice if they were having a moment such as this. It get's quite repulsive, actually. And the only reason i'm sitting here is to remind you not to talk rubbish about my parents. You could be finished like that if my father heard about this." He curled his nose, snapping his fingers.

"I think it's sweet." Hermione smiled, watching as Lucius leaned over and whispered something into Narcissa's ear, causing her face to go completely red. They watched for ten minutes, before the couple decided to get up. Draco also got up, sneered at the trio once more, and made his way back to his own table.

Harry subconciously watched as Lucius lead Narcissa out of the Three Broomsticks, and outside into the pouring rain. There, Lucius gently put a hand on her neck, and the other to waist, and pulled her towards him; capturing her lips with his own. She pulled back, laughing as the droplets of rain hit her face. They were teenagers again. Harry had never heard such a sound escape her lips, and smiled when she did it again. Maybe, just maybe, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy weren't made of stone.

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