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Glühwein has got to be one of Narcissa's favourite things of the winter season.

To hell with presents — she has the wealth to buy whatever she wants any other time of the year — and to hell with visiting extended family, the majority of hers are lunatics anyway.

The beautiful snowed-over landscape outside of the German mansion Narcissa and Lucius have been invited to is brilliant to look at, and she rarely fails to appreciate the many opportunities to dress up and show off on the various galas and other events held in this season, but that's not what she loves most about winter. Not right now.

Right now it's the wine, with its delicious spices that makes her insides glow up with its heat when she downs it — not quickly enough to be considered inappropriate, but a little faster than would be truly proper — and the way it makes her already gorgeous husband look even more appealing.

They're standing on one side of the room, closer to the walls than before, as a way to slowly but certainly excuse themselves from the gathering. The gala has been lovely, truly, but it's due time to head home.

They don't need to say much; having been married for a few years now, it's become unnecessary to explain the meaning of the scarcely noticeable way her eyebrow is arched towards him, her eyes lingering just a little too long on his flawless lips. He knows .

"I would say it's about time we head off, my darling." Narcissa lays her hand on his waist when she draws herself closer to him, perfectly proper if you don't see the way her lips graze his ear for just a moment when she whispers her words. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Lucius' smile is just as polite, just as appropriate for where they are, if you don't see the sparkle behind his eyes when his gaze lingers on her lips. "When are you ever wrong, my love? Let's go."

Their goodbyes are as hurried as they are allowed to be without being impolite.

the only struggle Narcissa could find at having to travel outside the country is that the floo network is that much more limited, but now she's not so annoyed by the privacy a further away fireplace gives. By the time they arrive at the fireplace connected to their own manor Lucius' hand is just a tad too low on her back and they're giggling like lovesick teenagers.

She could but doesn't have to blame it on the wine that they step out of the fireplace in Malfoy Manor's drawing room and they're still laughing and she doesn't have to blame it on the wine that Lucius looks at her with those twinkling eyes in a way that drives her mad.

Narcissa is still chuckling when her hands find themselves cupping her husband's face and she shuts her eyes tightly as their lips connect  in what feels like a perfect kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that all evening," Lucius mutters against her lips, his hands placed firmly on her waist and hips. All she can do is to pull away a little and look up at him with a smirk that she knows never fails to make him lose his mind.

"Just this, darling?" Narcissa raises her eyebrows in a playful challenge, stumbling them both forward just a little so she's got him pressed against the fireplace. The scoff he lets out in combination with that devilish smirk of his is enough to answer the question she didn't need to ask. "Didn't think so."

Her head is buzzing in the best of ways when their mouths crash against each other more passionately than before, chuckling through fast paced kisses that the gluhwein makes both a little sloppy and delightfully delicious. This is nothing like those prim and proper pecks that are the only thing permitted at social gatherings — better in every way possible.

When their kiss lingers longer Lucius parts his lips so easily and she gets to kiss him a whole other kind of proper.

Narcissa sighs into his mouth, slipping her tongue between his lips with practiced ease and familiarity.

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